TOEFL iBT作文范文-76
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin studying a foreign language as soon as they start school.
Sample Essay
Children should begin studying a foreign language as soon as they start school. Childhood is the best time to learn a foreign language. It is easier at that time, it contributes to a child’s development, and it helps children expand their knowledge.
Everybody knows that it is much easier to learn foreign languages when you are young. Children’s minds are ready to learn many new things. When children learn foreign languages, they learn them as well as their native language. If they wait until they are older to study a language, it is much harder to become fluent.
Many studies have shown that learning a language helps the child's mind develop. Children who learn foreign languages also do better in their other subjects. It helps their intellect develop more. This isn’t so true for older students.
Learning foreign languages can help children expand their knowledge of the world. If they learn a foreign language, they will be interested in the people who speak that language. They will want to know about their country and customs. They will want to understand them instead of becoming afraid of them because they are different.
Learning a foreign language has many advantages for everybody. It contributes to our intellectual development and our understanding of the world. The younger a language student is, the more advantages he or she gets from learning the language. So, the best time for a child to start studying a foreign language is when he or she starts school.
TOEFL iBT作文范文-77
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Sample Essay
I don’t think it is a good idea for boys and girls to attend separate schools. They will not be separated when they Finish school and start their careers, so why should they be separated in school? When boys and girls study together, they are assured of getting equal quality of education, they learn how to work together, and they learn how to become friends. It is a much better preparation for life than studying in separate schools.
When boys and girls attend the same school, they get equal education. They are in the same classrooms with the same teachers studying from the same books. If they attend separate schools, the schools might be different. One school might be better than the other. By studying together, girls get the same education as boy. This helps them work toward having equality in society.
By attending the same schools, boys and girls learn how to work together. Some people say they should study separately because they have different learning styles. I think it's better to study together, however. It gives them the chance to learn work together despite their differences. This will help them in the future when they have to work together professionally.
When boys and girls see each other in school every day, they have the chance to become friends. They see each other as normal people, not as strangers. If they attend separate schools, they don’t know each other. It’s easy to misunderstand, or even fear, each other. When boys and girls have the chance to become Friends, their lives are much richer. They will have better relationships in the future.
By studying together, boys and girls get equal education, they learn to work together, and they become friends. This prepares them for adult life where men and women live and work together every day.
TOEFL iBT作文范文-78
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
Sample Essay
The ability to work on a team is one of the most important job skills to have. It is usually necessary because most jobs involve teamwork. It is usually the best way to work because a team can get more work done than an individual. In addition, a worker on a team has a lot of support from his coworkers.
Most work is done in groups or teams. Professionals work with their professional colleagues, and they also usually have assistants and support staff. Construction workers work with other construction workers, auto mechanics work with other auto mechanics; they all have assistants, and almost nobody works alone. It is necessary for all workers to get along and work well together.
More work can be done by a team than by individuals working alone. On a team, each member is responsible for one part of the job. Each member has to concentrate only on her part and do it as well as possible. Then all the parts are put together and the job is done. An individual working alone has to worry about everything at once.
A worker on a team has the advantage of support from his coworkers. If a worker can’t finish a job on time or doesn’t understand a task or needs help planning, he has a group people to help him. The team supports him and he can get the job done. An individual working alone has to solve all her problems herself. She has to stop work while she finds a solution, or do a poor job.
Most jobs involve teamwork. Teams can usually do a better job than an individual working alone. A person who cannot work well on a team will have a hard time in today's workplace.
TOEFL iBT作文范文-79
Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.
Sample Essay
The person I would choose to honor is not one specific famous person, but a famous type of person. I come from a small rural town. Most people here are farmers, so I would choose a farmer as the subject for a statue. The farmers of my town deserve the honor. They work hard so the rest of the country can eat, but they are not rich. They deserve to be appreciated.
The farmers in my town make an important contribution to our country. They grow the food that the rest of the country eats. Our major products are corn and milk. These things are a basic part of everyone's diet. Without our farmers, it would be harder and more expensive for people to have these things to eat.
The farmers in my town are not rich even though they work hard. A farmer’s job begins at sunrise and doesn’t stop until dark. A farmer rarely has a chance to take a vacation because there are always things to do on a farm. Farming is not a profitable business. If the weather is bad one year, there might be no profits at all. Still, farmers do their work because people need to eat.
The farmers in my town work hard, but they are not appreciated. People in other parts of the country don’t pay much attention to my town. Nobody comes to visit because there are no tourist attractions. Nobody wants to work here because there aren't many professional jobs. Nobody thinks about the contributions our farmers make. They just buy our products in the stores without thinking about the work it takes to put them there.
Nobody thinks about the farmers in my town, but they deserve to be honored. They work hard to grow food for everyone in the country. I think we should put a big, shiny statue of a farmer in the middle of our town park. It would make everyone in town feel proud.
TOEFL iBT作文范文-80
Describe a custom from your country that you would like people in other countries to adopt. Explain your choice using specific reasons and examples.
Sample Essay
In my county, many people in the towns still follow an old custom that people in the cities no longer practice. This is the custom of taking a big break at noon. In the towns, all stores and businesses close from noon until 2:00 P.M. This not only gives people a needed rest in the middle of the day, it also allows them rime with their families and contributes to a slower pace of life.
In the towns, all workers get a good rest in the middle of the day. They go home, enjoy a nice meal, take a nap, and then they return to work for the rest of the afternoon. They have energy and enthusiasm for the rest of the day's work. Their afternoons can be as productive as their mornings. Without this rest, they might be tired all afternoon and not get much work done.
In the towns, most families eat their noon meal together. They have time to enjoy their food, talk about their morning activities with each other, and just be together. It is good for families to have this time together. Parents hear about children’s activities. Husbands and wives learn about each other daily concerns. Without this opportunity, families might not be together until evening. They are usually tired then and just want to rest.
In the towns, there is a slower pace of life. Nobody can do any business at lunchtime. They have to wait until the afternoon. Because of this, people don't expect things to be done in a hurry. They have more patience. If something doesn’t get done today, it doesn’t matter. This is a much healthier way to live.
A big rest at noon contributes to a better quality of life. In the towns, people don’t worry about getting a lot of work done fast. They are more interested in spending time with their families and enjoying their lives. I think that in the long run this actually improves work. In any case, it is a better way to live. I think everyone everywhere should follow the custom of taking a big break at noon.
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