

1.1  与 USC 来往信件














Dear Admissions Officers of MAcc:


I’m Cheng Ting and have applied for your MAcc program. To meet your requirement concerning the submitting of a financial document, I send you the required document and please find it in the attachment.


Yours sincerely

Cheng Ting


Dear Admissions Officers:


My name is Cheng Ting and I have applied for your Master of Science program in Accounting (MAcc). Following your instructions, I hereby send you four documents related to financial certifications, namely, the Financial Statement by my mother, her Affidavit of Support, a Financial Statement in my own personal name, and my Confidential Statement for Financing Studies at USC. Please find all those four documents in the attachments.


Best Regards


Cheng Ting



电话:(010)-62968808 / (010)-13910795348

钱老师咨询邮箱:qian@proftrans.com   24小时工作热线:13910795348

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