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Stanford Essay 4-Optional
Tell us about a time when you made a lasting impact on your organization. (300 words)
Intellectual property awareness is notoriously weak among Chinese enterprises, so was BET Technology Group I joined in late 20XX. Since BET’s venturing into FPD (Flat Panel Display) business in 20XX, it had been entangled in numerous patent litigations.
At BET, I started as patent analyst and was soon promoted to patent manager. As such, I was charged by the top management to develop BET’s own patents pool as an effectual defense mechanism to avert potential litigation risks. The core of this strategy was to increase the volume of registered and authenticated patents.
In 20XX, there were only 60 patents filings. For me, the best way to increase patents filings was to motivate R&D personnel. Therefore, from the very outset, I created an incentive mechanism in collaboration with HR Dept, introducing patents filings as part of employees’ performance evaluation. Realizing that this compulsory mechanism wouldn’t work long without enhancing R&D people’s initiative and consciousness of patents as intellectual property, for two years, I launched regular events like weekend training classes, weekly R&D and patent seminars, and quarterly patent strategy seminars for the management. Gradually, R&D people began viewing patents as the main embodiment of their research achievements and enjoyed devoting time and energy preparing application documents. Consequently, BET’s patents application volume rose sharply to 300 in 20XX and to 500 in 20XX.
With the value of patents and patents application being fully driven home to both top management and ordinary employees, I not only created a sound mechanism with effective incentives but also accomplished some sort of corporate ‘genetic’ transplantation. Valuing patents has become an integral part of the BET corporate culture and BET has been much ahead of its domestic counterparts in patent strategies. Free from any further patent litigation, BET has rapidly become a leader in China’s PDF industry.
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