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Academic Reference-1
Dear Admissions Officers:
Beijing XXX University, formerly called Northern XXX University, is one of the most prestigious universities in China and one of the first universities of the country listed in the “211 Program” under which universities receive strong government support to become leading institutions in the teaching and research in areas that are most needed for the country’s social and economic development. With a distinguished academic prestige in finance and accounting, Beijing XXX University is the first to sign a cooperative agreement with The Association of International Accountants (AIA). Under this agreement, accounting students from the School of Economics and Management receive standard undergraduate and graduate education officially recognized by AIA.
In my capacity as director of the Office of the President of the University, and a professor with the Department of Accounting under the School of Economics and Management, I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Miss XX XXX, an undergraduate who is on the verge of completing her program at our Department. To the best of my knowledge as instructor of several courses, Miss XX is very distinguished academically, ranking top three in her grade and top in her class, which is quite an achievement in our competitive academic environment. Over the past three years, Miss XX has consistently been awarded with university-level scholarship (second-class twice and third-class once) for academic excellence with an exceedingly high GPA.
The greatest intellectual achievement of Miss XX lies not so much in her outstanding exam scores as in her research skills. She was a member of a research team I led on the feasibility study of an investment plan by Dalian XXX Logistics Company concerning the construction of the branch line of the XXX Railroad. As the sole undergraduate in the project, Miss XX was responsible for undertaking the
comparative financial study between a buyout and leasing. In addition, she was made in charge of collecting, computing and analyzing the data for financing the double-tracking railway construction. Throughout the project, she demonstrated impressive potential for fruitful research, able to apply her knowledge effectively to the solution of practical problems and approach any specific issue in a detailed and comprehensive manner. In reading a large amount of materials, she would not borrow mechanically from any established model but would try to develop and perfect her own models and gear them to the particular circumstances of the question involved. Her comprehensive perspective helped to simplify the problems significantly, winning unanimous praise from my colleagues.
With her solid foundation in accounting and finance, Miss XX has developed her own unique and perceptive understanding of the accounting principles and professional ethics, which would equip her to become a well-trained professional in the financial industry that she wishes to be. She is capable of rigorous logical reasoning and her sound judgment enables her to solve problems both efficiently and effectively. Unlike most other practical-minded students, Miss XX quite interested in academics and scholarship. All the tremendous efforts with which she has carried out her coursework and her research are aimed at improve her all-rounded aptitudes requisite for her ambitious career in the future. I am most happy to see someone committed to developing the understanding of accounting and finance as an academic discipline.
Another important quality, which distinguishes Miss XX from her peers, is her strong English proficiency which enables her to read technical literature in English with much facility. With the gathering momentum of global economic integration, accounting information is bound to play an increasing role as the universal business language. China’s accession into the WTO marks the country’s incorporation into the world economy and to keep up with this latest development, China’s accounting and financial practices must also conform to international conventions. Therefore, I believe that Miss XX’s application for a graduate program in accounting and finance will enable her to build on her knowledge about China’s financial industry on one hand and to learn advanced knowledge of accounting and finance from a leading western institution and to develop international experiences and perspectives.
In her frequent discussions with me about her application, Miss XX has deeply impressed me with her strong motivation and well-defined goal. To facilitate her application, I would like to let you know that,
with her firm grasp of specialized knowledge, her quick-mindedness in assimilating new knowledge, and her powerful intelligence, Miss XX will be highly successful in your program as she has been here in our program. Therefore, she has my strongest recommendation.
Yours most sincerely
Professor of Accounting
Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Management
Director of the Office of the President of the University
Beijing XXX University
Tele: 010-XXXXXXXX, E-mail: XXXX@XXX.edu.cn
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