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Stanford Essay 3 – Optional
Tell us about a time when you built or developed a team whose performance exceeded expectations. (300 words)
In early 20XX, I joined Sinoxxx Corporation, a leader in clean energy (natural gas) industry. As vice present, I was made responsible for leading the Capital Operations Department. Ironically, as a rapidly-expanding firm, Sinoxxx lacked a mature financing team and financing constraints imposed serious bottle-necks over its growth.
My first major independent task was to lead a private placement project. The top management had high expectations of my leadership because the project’s success would not only pump capital to meet the corporation’s fast-paced expansion but also to pave the way for its proposed IPO in the U.S. stock market.
However, the challenge we faced was huge. The team I initially developed consisted of only three members picked from different departments, with little financing experiences. At first, no one expected this small team would accomplish big. I knew the crux of the matter was how we could become smart and fast learners and practitioners simultaneously. By making our utmost efforts, we completed a 500-page due diligence investigation report within the first week. As several more members joined, I kept enhancing the team’s execution efficiency through the following measures—well-defined division of labor, opportune communications to secure effective internal and external supports, and constant encouragement to maintain a high level of morale. Within a month, we completed a virtually impossible mission —closing a fairly favorable private placement transaction and financing of about $18,000,000 capital. Standing to the test of my caliber in leadership and execution, I completed the financing two months prior to the outbreak of the 20xx financial crisis, which led to exacerbating worldwide capital supply conditions.
Exceeding the expectations of the top management, I was put in charge of subsequent financing projects that grossly yielded about $150,000,000 capital over the years, leading to Sinoxxxx’s listing on Nasdaq (xxxx) in 20XX.
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