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Columbia MBA Essay-2:
Leading in the global economy requires enabling high performance from a diverse set of employees, colleagues and partners. Tell us about a manager you've observed who enabled or inspired others to do their best work and analyze how this manager did it. (Recommended 500 word limit)
Though not an institution of global economy, the College of Commerce I am currently working with nevertheless demands high performance from a diverse set of employees and colleagues. At the center of this high performance is Mrs. Annie Lee, deputy head of the College and an educational administrator with over 20 years in the education sector. Acting as my supervisor when I joined the College 3 years ago, she has been my role model in motivating others to do their best work.
According to my observation, Mrs. Lee’s greatest strength lies in her insights into individual talents and personalities of individual employees and assigning them to right responsibilities. Even if different teachers possess the same qualifications, she tries to discern their individual strength by observing their classroom teaching, communicating with them regularly and referring to the feedback from students. In this way, teachers with strong verbal or quantitative abilities find their way to their appropriate places where they are at their best. In this way, apart from maximizing the overall teaching efficiency of the College, individual teachers have kept honing their individual talents to the point of becoming leaders in their respective fields. This in turn has infused the employees with a strong sense of achievement, pride and job satisfaction, thus creating a high level of employee morale and organization loyalty.
Mrs. Lee is a person of vision. Recognizing the college’s mission to cultivate business leaders, she tries to update and upgrade the college curriculum in response to the rapid changes of the business world. Curriculum redesign necessarily involves the introduction of new subjects and reallocation of responsibilities. In view of the general inertia of senior instructors, she ingeniously accomplishes this by encouraging junior teachers, more willing to face challenges, to broaden their teaching portfolio and illuminating its importance to their long-term career development. Naturally, junior teachers are more than eager to respond to her initiatives.
Mrs. Lee’s effective management would have been impossible without three key elements—setting objectives, formulating plans and evaluating performance. Training students obtain qualifications in local and international professional examinations such as LCCI is one of our college’s primary goals. Instead of arbitrarily setting a rigid and uniform passing rate for all subjects and students, she sets feasible and measurable objectives in accordance with the nature of individual subjects, the abilities of students and teachers. She helps teachers formulate detailed implementation plans and closely follows the progress of the plans. Finally she requires all departments to undertake performance appraisals twice a year. The performance-based reward system motivates her subordinates toward a strong sense of self-esteem, bringing them into concerted efforts to strengthen the College’s century-long prestige of cultivating business leaders.
As a Department Head myself, I have been deriving infinite inspirations from Mrs. Lee, for she commands my utmost respect as from all other employees. She manages to do so not by means of her administrative authority but by her personal charisma. She is a powerful motivator because she is highly motivated herself. Everyday, she is the first to report to duty and the last to leave. Despite her huge administrative work, she assumes the same workload as an average instructor and spends much time on counseling students. By showing good examples to her subordinates, she illustrates how to be a committed, responsible, and contributing person to the institution to which one is a part. I believe I will take Mrs. Lee as my lifelong role model, one who makes possible high performance from a diverse set of employees and colleagues through effective and productive managerial skills.
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