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Harvard Essay 2: What have you learned from a mistake? (400-word limit)
Joining BET Technology Group, a leader in China’s FPD industry, in late 20XX, I was soon promoted to patent manager, charged with developing BET’s own patents pool as an effective mechanism to avert potential litigations by business rivals, both domestic and international. Aware of the sore need for increasing the company’s own patents, the top management made that as a top strategic priority.
To meet this strategic objective, I launched BET Patent Application Volume Enhancement Project, a multi-departmental scheme involving HR Department, subsidiaries and R&D Institute and m Patent Management Department. However, there were important challenges. The long-standing negligence of patents as intellectual property within BET kept the employees’ motivation low. Young and newly-promoted, I had yet to establish smooth working relations with heads of the departments involved. In a drive to produce immediate effect, with the power vested in me by the top management, I tried to push forward with the project in an aggressive and authoritarian manner, concentrating the authority of patent application solely within my Department at the Headquarters, setting a minimum monthly quota of patent ideas to be reported, and enacting an incentive mechanism in which the volume of reported ideas and registered patents would constitute a major component of employee performance evaluation.
However, my extreme-measures-for-extreme-circumstances approach failed to yield desired results. I met many obstacles and even resistances. All the departments complained about the extra workload that this scheme would create for them and its possibility of undermining employees’ personal interests as patent ideas and patents would not come overnight, but as a result of long-time dedicated research. Rigid rules would do more harm than good.
When I reported the problem to my supervisor, she helped me recognize the errors I had committed. A key issue in multi-departmental collaboration is effective communication, coordination and team-work, all of which should be bidirectional or multi-directional. A good leader is always an active listener whose scheme, however good-intentioned, is feasible only when it’s based on the feedback of all parties involved, rather than superimposed from above. Finally, compromises are always necessary.
In my re-developed scheme, I linked the employees’ patent contributions not only with short-term incentives but also with long-term gains such as shares and promotions, depending on the values created for the company. The employees’ motivation became spontaneous and patent filings increased dramatically, from merely 60 in 20XX, to 300 in 20XX and to 500 in 20XX.
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