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小 目 录
Personal Statement
Personal Statement
As one of the only two Chinese students at Sherborne, UK, I have studied all my A-Level courses with a straight-A record, with special passion for mathematics. I love mathematics because, fundamentally, mathematics represents a way of thinking, a form of logic, and a universal language to uncover numerical relationship underlying different entities. Termed “gymnastics of the mind”, mathematics sharpens our intellectual faculty. As the science of sciences, mathematics is both the oldest and the youngest academic discipline, extensively applied in this rapidly changing world where economics, business, and statistics dominate our economic life.
I have studied 5 of the 12 mathematics textbooks. Plus the remaining 7 next academic year, I will have covered all the foundational courses, well prepared for venturing into mathematics-related disciplines like business, statistics, or economics. In learning mathematics, I have never been a bookworm. Instead, I have taken the initiative to broaden my knowledge base by doing a large quantity of exercises and regularly reading a variety of periodicals in library— x x x, x x x, x x x. It is superstitious to claim Chinese students are born mathematics talents, but I have honed my mathematics aptitudes through demonstrated industry and the determination to excel.
I have also endeavored to develop Interdisciplinary perspective. While doing physics coursework on the relationship between sensor and circuit voltage, I found experimental data assuming the shape of a curve when expressed in a precise functional arrangement, P reaching the maximal level when V attains a certain value. It dawned on me that differential could be employed to obtain the declivity, thereby working out the r resistance in the equation v=E-Ir in a much simplified fashion. Winning the top score in the coursework made me realize the importance of applying our knowledge flexibly and creatively.
As I complete my study, I am interested in an undergraduate program in Business Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematics and Economics). My interest is founded on my demonstrated potential in mathematics, past internship experiences, and family background. In the summer of 20xx, I practiced at China Construction Bank, then negotiating with The Bank of America on strategic cooperation by allowing the latter to hold 9.1% of its shares. All the Chinese negotiators were mathematics-finance geniuses, indicating the indispensable role of the knowledge of business mathematics and international finance in such major financial operations. While interning at x x Securities Company this summer, I had the inkling that stock market fluctuations, however capricious, must be subject to the prediction by mathematical models. In helping print and distributing feasibility reports and merge plans, I was exposed to useful knowledge about financial principles and procedures. My parents, themselves financial professionals at investment banks, nurtured my interest in business and economics in my early years. Attending their working parties, traveling on business tours and meeting their colleagues, I find their career at once challenging and exciting. To become a financial professional myself, I must undertake your program and the subsequent postgraduate program.
My personal qualities will make me a great asset to your student community. As an international student, I have overcome tremendous cultural and linguistic barriers to fit into new academic environment and interact productively with my classmates and teachers. I have done so with commitment and stamina. Extracurricularly, I am a member of badminton and basketball teams, acting as captain of the latter. I have demonstrated leadership and interpersonal communication through teamwork and personal charisma. Back in China during vacations, I went to impoverished rural areas on charity tours to support the education of the dropout children. I am convinced only excellence on academic, social and personal levels can make me useful citizen of society.
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本网站所有案例及留学文书作品(包括“个人陈述”Personal Statement,“目的陈述”Statement of Purpose, “动机函”Motivation Letter,“推荐信”Recommendations / Referemces “, (小)短文”Essays,“学习计划”Study Plan,“研究计划”(Research Proposal),“签证文书”Visa Application Documents 及“签证申诉信”Appeal Letter等等),版权均为嘉文博译所拥有。未经许可,不得私自转载,违者自负法律责任。仅供留学申请者在学习参考,不作其他任何用途。任何整句整段的抄袭,均有可能与其他访问本网站者当年递交的申请材料构成雷同,而遭到国外院校录取委员会“雷同探测器”软件的检测。一经发现,后果严重,导致申请失败。本网站对此概不负责。