Interpretation Determines Existence
The moment captured by this picture is very dramatic—with a bottle of milk dropped onto the ground and half of the milk spilt, two individuals at the scene produce totally different reactions. One exclaims “Oh, God, it’s all finished!” whereas the other one remains calm and positive—that “there is still some left.”
This seemingly simple spectacle carries profound philosophical connotations about how we perceive our world. Ours is a complicated world whose bright sides and dark sides coexist. But the demarcation line between the two is not always well-defined. Instead, in many cases, their border line is very subtle. Even with respect to the same situation, as presented by the picture, different people with different states of mind may come up with totally different interpretations. This picture convincingly illustrates a subtle case about how we should perceive our world.
It is often said that “the attitude determines everything”. In many cases, the success or failure of our undertakings depends not so much on the physical conditions as on our mental attitude toward our life, our perception of the world, or the so-called worldview. Our confidence in our world as being positive and optimistic will inspire us to make utmost efforts to pursue success whereas our belief in our world as being negative and pessimistic would cast us into despair, resignation and inertia.
The present-day world is full of challenges. In the face of those challenges, some people take a positive and active stance whereas others choose to give up and back away. Success or failure means a world of difference, but first and foremost it depends on what kind of state of mind we develop. The existentialism philosopher Jean Paul Sartre asserts that “existence precedes essence”. In the light of his statement, I would claim that interpretation determines existence. |
当今世界,挑战丛生。面对这些挑战,有些人采取积极有为的立场,但另一些人则选择放弃与退缩。成功与失败,乃天壤之别的两种境界,但质而言之,它首先取决于我们究竟应该形成何种心态。存在主义哲学大师萨特曾宣称“存在先于本质”,而我则愿沿用其思路,斗胆提出——“诠释决定存在”。 |