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嘉文博译留学文书写作范例 个人陈述/推荐信


Personal Statement
Applied Program: Marketing Management

In an epoch in which marketing is regarded as an integral part of an enterprise’s management strategy, the professionals who are engaged in marketing business will be inevitably confronted with a life of tremendous challenge and a strong sense of achievement. Despite the fact that up until now I have had little full-time professional experience of marketing, I have undergone sufficient exposure, both theoretical and practical, to marketing management in the course of my undergraduate education at JiNan University, considered one of the most prestigious universities in Southern China. I believe that the time and the energy that I have devoted to my practices of marketing management are very worthwhile, because in marketing management I have discovered a possible professional career which is at once in line with my interest and is capable of enriching the meaning of my life. The creativity and artistic quality inherent in marketing, as well as its vital significance to the survival of an enterprise, have captured my imagination as I came to develop some insightful understandings regarding the essence of marketing management through my theoretical and practical efforts. In the same way that my potential in and aspirations for business management have made my choice of MBA inevitable, my option for marketing management as the specialty of my degree program wholly derives from my academic interest and potential.

Born in a family where business management has become a tradition, my formative experience and early education have been accompanied by the extended process during which my parents have made relentless efforts to become the renowned insurance specialist and a senior public accountant. In retrospect, both my interest and my talents in management science and in public relations should primarily be attributed to the familial influences cast on me. Those influences made it possible for me to acquire some rudimentary knowledge and perceptual experience of business management long before my undergraduate education at the Department of Economics of JiNan University. It was precisely on the basis of my pre-university experiential understanding of business management that my formal university education, with its systematic theoretical and practical trainings, initiated me into the world of business management.

Although strictly speaking as an undergraduate I specialize in economics rather than in business management, the undergraduate education in China in the economics specialty actually covers most branches of business management, as indicated by my academic transcript. This fact has allowed me to assimilate knowledge of business management in a wide variety of fields in addition to learning fundamental theories of economics. Those fields include Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising, E-commerce, Marketing Communications, Principles of Management Science, etc. Those are the courses that fascinate me most and in which I invariably achieve the highest scores of the entire class. As an academic field, Business Management is a subject that poses important challenges to an individual’s creativity. With the inspirations that I came to develop in management since my childhood, I have always completed my coursework with much facility. For instance, I once received very positive comments from my teacher for my efforts to combine the principles in The Art of War by China’s ancient military strategist Sun Zi with those of modern management science.

My wide-ranged interests and my readiness to communicate with people prompted me, during my undergraduate studies, to undertake ample social activities and business practices, ranging from serving as the broadcaster of my university’s radio broadcasting station, planner and the producer of advertisements and radio plays, the main figure in the Students Union, planner of the large-scale advertising campaign for Yinon Advertising Company, part-time insurance agent of The People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC) after having obtained full professional qualifications, and the master of ceremonies of various large-scale business and social activities. To a great extent, my involvement in those activities compensated for my lack of full-time professional experience. Of all those activities, the one that has given me most productive trainings and has influenced my career choice most is my experience of acting as the PICC’s insurance agent. During that period, I creatively applied the knowledge of marketing that I had learned to introduce some innovations into the mode of business development. I broke up the conventional mode of selling insurance policies and created a completely novel mode of business development which, branded by the company as the “Starlight Project”, was popularized on a company-wide scale. Under such a mode of business operation, the insurance company creates individual insurance service offices in different residential areas with the help of the property management companies stationed in those residential areas. The service offices are responsible for selling insurance products by first providing full publicity and services. In this way, by means of an widely-encompassing network of inter-personal relations and relatively reliable human trust, the insurance products were successfully publicized and sold.

Another achievement of mine that deserves special mentioning is that early in 2001 I devised and was chiefly responsible for developing the Installment Warranty and Insurance of Home Appliances and Other Durable Products in Shenzhen City. Put into successful application in the city’s ShenDian Company, the strategy permitted Shenzhen citizens to purchase high-end large home appliances by means of installments, fundamentally transforming the citizens’ conventional mode of purchase and creating a precedent in the company’s business operations in this field. Each of my successful marketing experiences shows me that innovation is the soul of marketing and creativity will be the principle that I will adhere to in my future studies and work.

Undoubtedly, the present education of marketing in China lags behind that of advanced countries due to the existing market conditions of the country. In particular, the subject of marketing communications which I started to study since my junior year is all too immature, with a serious lack of highly qualified staff resource and pedagogical cases. By contrast, the United States has the greatest number of internationally renowned enterprises and highly successful marketing education. This constitutes my most important motivation behind my present application for an MBA program majoring in marketing management. On the other hand, as a necessary preparation for becoming a potentially successful enterprise administrator, to develop an intimate familiarity with the English language and the Western culture, and to be trained by the rigorous and highly competitive international education are also some of the objectives I wish to arrive at through my MBA program. In my proposed studies, I would like to concentrate on learning the knowledge of business management and marketing management and to actively participate in case studies and group discussions. In addition, I expect to engage in marketing practices and internships at certain American companies so as to substantiate the theoretical knowledge that I learn. It is my belief that I will come up with some splendid academic performance in my future MBA program the way that I managed to be the top 4th student in my grade in terms of overall scholastic performance at JiNan University.

Entering the 21st century, almost all the Chinese enterprises seem to have realized that successful marketing is where the life of an enterprise lies. Against such a backdrop, I am determined to become one of the most accomplished marketing managers in China’s future. It is my most sincere wish that my pursuit for a marketing career commences with this very presentation of mine, which is in itself a form of “marketing”.


To Whom It May Concern,

As the advisor to Ms. Li Yan during her college years, I, the undersigned, know Ms. Li very well for we knew each other from 1999 and have kept very close contact ever since. Not only is she a top student during the undergraduate program, she has also proved to be excellent in many aspects such as speech presentation and other social activities. She is one of the few most talented students of her grade that I have ever met.

With sound learning skills, Ms. Li has already grasped very good basic knowledge of economics and management. I have personally taught her two curriculums: productivity economics and micro-economics, for which she has made a score record of as high as 92. While teaching these two subjects, I came to realize that she is extremely logical-minded and quickest in understanding the programs. As she seems to have been born with eloquent speech skills, she turned out to be very active and progressive in workshop-discussions in the class. She used to give very impressive presentations of her personal viewpoints on quite many topics of the discussions, and some were so unique and different from what was said in the books. I have been deeply impressed with her for the enterprising and critical learning styles and personal qualities that accommodate traditional as well as fashionable points of view. Besides, Ms. Li is one of the most creative and independent students of my class. I know of these qualities of her very well from our daily communication and her presentation of the graduation thesis. For instance, most of the scholars would emphasize the advantages and benefits to the country that are attributable to the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, and would conclude that it is a very good policy for China. However, in her thesis, Ms. Li would pay more attention to the pros and cons of a commercialized society, and believe that opening up of China to the outside world at any cost should not be encouraged in the least, for losses would finally outweigh gains from the long run. This is indeed a brand new and quite commendable idea that is worthy of further deliberation.

Open-minded, Ms. Li keeps very good terms with her fellow students and shows reliable leadership skills. She is not only an active participant but also an excellent organizer of quite many social activities. For each and every project and workshop she has been engaged to lead, she would produce very good results together with her fellows. In addition, she is also quite famous in the faculty for her sound skills of making speeches. As our undergraduate program attaches great significance to theoretical knowledge as well as to practical capabilities, I firmly believe that Ms. Li is one of the excellent students trained with our programs.

She has made a right decision to choose the MBA program for further schooling, because she has acquired all the requisite qualifications and personal capabilities necessary for studying the advanced program. She is obviously more gifted and has more potentials in management science than in any other subjects. With such an intelligent mind and excellent personal qualities, Ms. Li will surely make great deeds again in studying the postgraduate program. I would therefore highly appreciate your favorable consideration of her application for I firmly believe that admitting this ambitious young lady by your distinguished school would guarantee more promising prospects for her in the future.

Letter of Recommendation

Dear Sir or Madam,

A teacher of “Advertising” and “Marketing”, I’m very pleased to recommend to you a student like Ms Li, who has a strong interest and great potential in marketing management, and her pursuit of further studies in marketing management under your MBA program.

Ms Li impressed me the most for her strong interest in marketing. In both the courses “Fundamentals of Advertising” and “Marketing Communication” I taught, her grades are the highest in her class. After conclusion of the two courses, she has continued to study from me “Marketing Communication”, an emerging branch of study in China. Besides what is taught in class, she often discusses with me various problems in marketing she has met in her internship and practice and tries to find solutions together with me. During her internship at an insurance company, she successfully designed a new marketing model for the company with her knowledge and insightful understanding of the business. I believe her strong interest and ability will be critical for her further achievement in this area.

Ms Li is very imaginative and innovative in her study and work. This is another advantage for her study and career in marketing management. I can still remember her superb performance in the conclusive phase of the course “Advertising”. I placed students into different groups and required each group to design a marketing solution for classroom demonstration and presentation with the aid of multimedia tools. Ms Li gave us a surprisingly informative and innovative solution in her presentation on behalf of the group she led. Her speech-making skills added to the charm of her presentation. Her demonstration and presentation is the most interesting and vivid one as well as the most satisfactory one I have received in my decades of teaching career. Her oral competency is no doubt another important supporting factor for a successful career in marketing in the future.

Based on many years of teaching experience of mine, Ms Li is a marketing management talent with great potential. I fully support her choice to study abroad. Your outstanding MBA education system and rich experience will provide a most beneficial environment for her to bring into full play her potential in marketing management. Frankly speaking, China started late in its study in marketing management. Our theoretical system is still far behind those of developed countries in the world and lacks integrity. The course “Marketing Communication” I spearheaded in the Guangzhou region is the latest effort in China for study and development of modern business theories. However, I’m fully aware at the same time that the course still calls for further improvement, e.g. incorporation of more high-profile and realistic cases that are badly needed in China today. Therefore, I do hope that Ms Li will continue with her study of and research in marketing communication in the future and introduce the latest achievements in the world to China.

Yours Faithfully


Dear Admissions Officer:

I am very happy to recommend to you Miss Li Yan, an excellent employee of our company. Although Miss Li is only a part-time insurance agent in our company, in the three years of her being with us, she has accomplished splendidly in sales promotion. While acquiring the qualifications of a professional agent for herself, she has made outstanding contributions to our company in terms of sales reform and development of new products. Therefore, I think she has got all the potentials for a fine professional administrator. Miss Li has chosen judiciously to take your university’s MBA courses and major in sales management. She is beyond any doubt an excellent applicant.

Miss Li is particularly talented in marketing. She has impressed me deeply with her inspiration and creation in that respect. She distinguishes herself in two performances while working for our company. Firstly, she designed and developed the mortgage insurance for the Shenzhen household appliance and durable goods two years ago, which enables the Shenzhen residents to by high-grade bulky goods through mortgage. It has made radical changes in the way of purchase and opened up new ground in that area for our company. Moreover, it has supplied us with theories and experiences for a large-scale promotion of this kind of insurance in the future. Secondly, Miss Li proposed and put into practice a sales model of setting up insurance service station with the cooperation of the property management company of a house estate. Her innovation has produced big profits and is valued tremendously by our company. It was named “Star Program” and has been extended throughout the city, creating good results in many house estates.

As a part-time agent, Miss Li has achieved more than full-time workers due to her persistent pursuit of her goals, her strong will and exceptional ability to do independent work. Miss Li came to work for our company for the purpose of practicing what she had learned about business management and sales promotion and gaining all kinds of experiences. In the three years of working, she has been absorbing new knowledge conscientiously and keeping communications with her colleagues. She has made unremitting efforts to learn and to do her job until she is satisfied with the results. Besides working, she also published, in the company’s internal journals, papers like “An Analysis of oligopoly market and the insurance competition of the Shenzhen automobiles”. In a word, Miss Li is one of the youths I have met with greatest drive and ideals.

With Miss Li’s character, her team spirit, enthusiasm and capacity for management and relating to people, I think she has all the essential qualities for an excellent enterprise administrator. If she could have further education and experience, she will ultimately become an outstanding entrepreneur. That is why I am willing to write her this vigorous recommendation. It has been a great pleasure of mine to work with Miss Li and I am positive that she will bring something new to your team.

Sincerely yours,



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