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CMU Master of Science in Computational Finance (MSCF)
Describe your background and preparation in the four concentration areas of the MSCF program – finance, computer science, math and statistics. In particular, please detail your background in calculus-based probability. If your only exposure to probability was as part of a course that combined probability and statistics, please list the probability topics covered by this course.
I deem myself well prepared for the MSCF program in the four concentration areas of finance, computer science, mathematics and statistics through the conscious efforts I have made in my 7-year academic career and 6-year professional career to date.
From 20XX to 20XX, my B.E. and M.E. in CS education at the CS School of BUAA, ranked top 3 in China gave me a substantial knowledge base in CS and sound practical engineering experiences.
Upon finishing my Master’s program, I joined Bell Labs China on the strengths of my solid CS foundation, rich engineering experience, strong hands-on abilities, and effective English skills. In the following two years as software engineer, I gained rich multi-platform C++ developing experience and insightful knowledge about software engineering process.
In Oct. 20XX, I switched to Sun Microsystems China Engineering and Research Institute (ERI), where I served as team leader and main developer in project JDIC, which turned out to be a milestone in my R&D career. In an effort to provide global Java developers with handy tools to access common desktop functions, we employed Java Native Interface technology to provide utility Java APIs based on layered Java wrapper and C++ native codes on several popular OSes. The project was a huge success—it has been proudly accepted and incorporated into Java 6.0 SDK, as one of the most powerful tools for innumerable global Java developers.
To gain a more broad view, I then entered Sun’s Global Partner Engineer Department in May 20XX, providing professional technical consultancy and engineering engagement for Sun’s strategic partners. This job capitalized on my previous software developing history, allowing me to acquire more advanced, more in-depth and more systematic architecture and engineering experiences.
My systematic and strong foundation in mathematics and statistics was primarily developed during my academic programs at BUAA, whose curricula covered all the prerequisite mathematics and statistics knowledge required by the MSCF program. I achieved very satisfactory and a number of highest scores in individual courses. In my own R & D projects, I endeavored to apply mathematics and statistics skills to construct mathematical models and use computers to verify my models. In my master’s thesis project, I integrated methods of calculus, graph theories, computing methods, probability and statistics to prove the validity and sophistication of the network topology simulation model I proposed. In a recent paper, I have been using statistical methods to model and compare hedging performance of copper futures of China’s Shanghai Future Exchange.
My background in finance dates back to 20XX when I was involved in developing the Financial Information System for the Three Gorges Financial Company. In designing the system’s accounting module, I sought a period of intensive training in accounting, which contributed to the major success of the project. Soon after I started my professional career, I became a neighbor with Mr. Liu XXX, professor of Modern Western Economics and Information Economics from the Economics and Management School, BUAA. Under his guidance, I grow increasingly interested in finance and in enhancing my knowledge of the subject. I have been reading leading publications on economics and finance and discussing major issues and events with Prof. Liu. Over the years, this case-oriented study has allowed me to develop a solid knowledge base in economics and finance, keeping me informed of the latest developments in the fields. Since 20XX, I have been doing investments on the American stock market and my direct trading experience exposed me to in-depth global finance. By reading Yahoo Finance everyday, I have further broadened my finance horizon. All those led to my immediate fascination with financial engineering when Prof. Liu introduced me to it in early 20XX. Under his mentoring, I have made tentative efforts to apply FE approaches to investigating the hedging performance of the copper futures of SHFE. Through those experiences, I am convinced that engineering approaches, especially those integrated with IT, are bound to constitute a key player in the finance industry, opening up a boundless arena for engineering professionals with strong IT backgrounds.
In view of my backgrounds in the four concentration areas of MSCF program, I find myself a perfect fit for your financial engineering program and a career path in the field appeals to me more than ever, as a much more rewarding way toward my self-actualization. I have implicit faith in my qualifications as a competitive candidate for this program and my decision to pursue study and a future career should be well-grounded and well-motivated.
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