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2-Academic Reference |
Dear Admissions Officers:
With a 49-year history, the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BUAA) is definitely a premier institution in China. As deputy dean of the school, I feel extremely proud of the outstanding graduates we have produced over the years. Mr. Wang XXX, whom I here recommend as a worthy candidate for your Master’s program in financial engineering, is by far the graduate I feel most proud of. Having been his teacher of several undergraduate courses and advisor of his B.S. graduation project, as well as supervisor of his Master’s program in computer science, I witnessed almost the entire process of his academic growth and have a most intimate knowledge about his academic performance and future potentials. Although it has been six years since he completed his Master’s program, my memory of his distinguished performance remains as fresh as ever.
Wang maintained a high level of excellence throughout his academic career, as a result of his conscientiousness and dedication. During his 4-year undergraduate program, he was consistently the winner of the “ShengXinYuan” Scholarship (limited to the top three of a class) and, with his No.1 ranking for overall academic performance in the entire grade, he was graduated cum laude, as the “Outstanding Science and Engineering Student in Universities and Colleges in Beijing” , which definitely demonstrated his unparalleled academic strength, considering the facts that Beijing has the largest concentration of science and engineering institutions in the country and only about 150 graduates are qualified to win the honor from 50,000 such students.
As an engineering student, Wang is adept at innovative solutions of practical problems through his rigorous analysis. While delivering the course Computer Organization and Structure, I once asked students to construct a large memory space with several small-sized memory chips and only Wang, in the entire grade, came up instantly with the novel idea of using several bits of the memory space for chip selection. During his Master’s program, together with several classmates, Wang joined my project of developing the Financial Information System of the Three Gorges Financial Company. Wang first did a comprehensive analysis of the requirements and then creatively applied his object-oriented knowledge and expertise by designing and constructing many foundation classes for the whole system. His systematic and orderly solution considerably facilitated the whole system’s implementation and made the system more maintainable.
On learning Wang’s decision to apply for a financial engineering program, I believe his decision is truly well-grounded, as he possesses the requisite outstanding ability in mathematical modeling and analysis. This is most convincingly illustrated by the research he carried out in his Master’s dissertation, which involved the comprehensive knowledge and techniques in computer network, graph theory, calculus, computing methods, probability and statistics theory. To demonstrate the superiority of his network typology simulation model, he first extended the simulation software to implement the model and then generated a considerable number of testing samples. Qualitatively, he used the Kolmogorov-Smimov Test to prove his model’s difference from traditional models. Next, based on the distribution data of the generated samples, numeric integration on the joint probability density are used to calculate the probability that his model is different from conventional models, thereby providing a further quantitative comparison. Rated as the School’s Outstanding Dissertation of the Year, Wang’s ambitious thesis has served as a showcase for graduating students thereafter, exemplifying how math can be employed to quantitatively study theories in computer science. I believe Wang will continue to expand and exploit his integrated computer and mathematic aptitudes in analyzing and solving problems, an interdisciplinary approach too vital to financial engineering.
In his study and research, Wang also displayed a very positive and productive initiative. In implementing projects, he would try to assume as many responsibilities as possible. He knew exactly where his strengths lied and what improvements he must make in order to scale new heights. In addressing problems, he had the habit of utilizing all the available resources and go for the optimal solution by digging into the heart of the matter.
Financial engineering presents a new and interdisciplinary subject. I appreciate Wang’s aspiring spirit and his courage to meet the new challenge. My close understanding of his ability to undertake rigorous academic study at the graduate level and exploit his technical expertise makes me believe that he will acquit himself most satisfactorily in your program. For this reason, I would like to reaffirm my strongest support of his application and would wish him all the best in the future.
Yours faithfully
Zhang XXX
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