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Simon Graduate School of Business, Rochester University
Describe your post-M.B.A. or post-M.S. career plans. How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? What aspects of the Simon School program make it a good choice for your graduate study? Why have you chosen to apply to the Simon School for graduate study? (500 word maximum)
December 6, Financial City in London; December 9, Chicago; December 13, the Wall Street in New York; this was the itinerary last year of a recruitment team from Shanghai, comprising of the HR managers of 29 financial institutions based in the financial capital of China. They were seeking financial professionals to fill hundreds of senior managerial positions and within a week the team brought back several suitcases of CVs that weighed 300 kilograms.
This instance showcases how China, as the largest economy and the world’s third largest economy, is in sore need of well-trained financial professionals to work in its fast-growing financial industry. Apart from Hong Kong, Shanghai is rapidly becoming a leading global financial center. The Greater China region is full of career opportunities more than ever.
My post-M.S. career will unfold in this scenario. Upon earning your Master’s degree, I will be well-equipped to enter a leading financial institution, e.g., a Chinese or foreign investment bank, or an auditing and consulting firm like PricewaterhouseCoopers China, to work within fields of quantitative analysis, risk management and control, asset management, product development, or financial derivatives. Within five years, I hope to work to the position of a team leader capable of operating major projects that can contribute measurably to organization growth in China’s vibrant financial sector.
My past education and experiences match me perfectly for this career objective, which is wholly feasible. For one thing, a Master’s degree in finance or economics is a necessary qualification for entering such an institution. For another thing, when such a degree is earned from such a prestigious American school as Simon Business School, it will immensely enhance my competitive edge on China’s job market.
My education heretofore also strongly supports this objective. Majoring in International Business and Trade at XXX University, most prestigious in Southwestern China, I have developed a strong academic basis consisting of a whole gamut of basic courses and specialized courses in finance and economics. Several special features about my undergraduate education make me distinguished. Through rigorous screening, I entered a bilingual class where classes are all conducted in English and finance and economics textbooks for a standard American undergraduate program are used.
With great passion for finance, I completed all the compulsory courses in a 4-year program within the first 5 semesters, and with excellence. In the 6th semester, again through strict screening, came to W.P. Carry School of Arizona State University as an exchange student. This has made accessible to me an advanced and refreshingly enlightening finance education unavailable to most of my Chinese peers. At W.P. Carry School, I have not only excelled academically, obtaining straight A’s in all the core courses but also won two first prizes in the Arizona PBL 20XX Fall leadership and Conference Competition.
Another equally unique experience is that over the past four years I have been gaining valuable trading experiences on the Chinese stock market. By applying my financial knowledge and quantitative analysis skills, I have tripled my investment returns on my portfolio investment. I have learned to make sound judgment and control risks through rigorous analysis. Furthermore, I have honed my business intuition and sensitivity. My other experiences include: interning at a corporate financial department whose partners are all multinational companies, where I learned about corporate financial accounting; interning at China Ministry of Commerce where I gained insights into how national industry and economic policies are formulated; and interning at a securities company where I did market analysis under the guidance of senior analysts, and offered consulting to customers to attract investment. Recently, I have started preparing for CFA qualification exams.
Ever since I read a biography about Warren E. Buffett in my middle school, I have been dreaming of learning finance at a leading American business school and Simon Graduate School of Business offers a program that promises to help me fulfill my aspirations. Simon, a new ivy school, is reputed for its top-tier financial research and an international student community. In its small-sized and team-study environment, distinguished professors like Gregg A. Jarrell will involve students in a most rewarding learning experience. Situated in New York State, its alumni network is extensive. I deem myself a perfect match for your MSF program as it looks for candidates that stand out among peers, people who are academically outstanding, capable of independent thinking, goal-focused, with international experiences and perspective, and ready to commitment a lifelong career in finance. Its core courses and electives are closely geared to my learning needs and the substantive, globally enriching interaction with faculty and fellow students will prepare me to be a high achiever personally and professionally capable of facing tough challenges in the rapidly changing business world.
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