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Simon Graduate School of Business, Rochester University
Essay-2: Discuss two examples that demonstrate your potential as a successful leader. (500 word maximum)
Leadership underlies success of any ambitious business professionals. It’s a crucial quality I have been cultivating consciously. At XXX University back in China, I used to be a student union official, launching campaigns and projects and exercising effective leadership. But other achievements can more convincingly epitomize my potential as a successful leader.
I believe the most essential quality of leadership is the acumen to diagnose underlying problems and to devise an innovative solution. In doing business and finance coursework, I came to realize that the existing curriculum emphasized students’ passive assimilation of book-knowledge rather than spurring them to acquire real-world experiences. A student might know little about actual investment and financial management when he graduates. To effect a change, I created a Future Fund Investment Team in early 20XX, with several fellow students sharing my initiative and commitment. As a student organization, the team’s establishment needed ratification by university administrative authorities. I prepared a detailed Proposal, elaborating on our determination to enrich campus culture. Endorsed by Department chairman and a securities investment professor, the Team was duly approved, creating the first student organization with strong real-world orientations.
As team leader, I faced specific challenges—attracting members and funds, and promoting organization development. Working closely with co-launchers, I developed plans and let them perform responsibilities according to their individual strengths—those with marketing skills contacting potential sponsors, those with HR skills recruiting new members, those with PR skills liaising with scholars and industry leaders to speak at our forums, and I communicating with finance professors to be our advisors. Through effective publicity strategies, students other than business and finance also actively joined our organization, significantly enhancing our reputation and making it a leading student organization within the short span of one semester.
Another example is my experience of undertaking challenging competitions. In the 20XX National College Student Business Case Studies Competition sponsored by Ivy Business School Alumni and Coca-Cola, I led a 3-member team to enter the semi-final, in which our rivals were mostly seniors or even graduate students. Within 9 hours in a closed room, we were to analyze a challenging case and propose solutions demonstrated to a panel of judges via PPT. Effective labor division was the key. One summarized the case and did information search, I performed rigorous analysis, and one prepared PPT. Finally I did the presentation to the panel in English and we ended up with a second prize. Another more challenging project is the global undergraduate online entrepreneurship competition sponsored by BNP Paribas—“ACE MANAGER”. The project involved 1090 teams from 314 universities in 96 countries. Our final ranking was 20%.
Again, as a 3-person team leader, I not only withstood heavy pressure under tight schedule (one task each day) but also liaised extensively and intensively with teammates over long distances, working on three tracks—finance, accounting and marketing. Apart from productive labor division and effective intra-team communication, strong discipline, intense focus, responsibility, and mission commitment all went into the achieving of our success, because the 6-week competition ran throughout the summer vacation.
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