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“论文/研究计划书” 写作提纲
Outline for Thesis / Research Proposal

Research Proposal

1. 所选择的论文/研究的题目是什么?



2. 对本领域既有的研究的回顾,包括文献纵述。






   实现电子签名的技术手段有很多种,但目前比较成熟的,世界先进国家普遍使用的电子签名技术还是基于PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)的数字签名技术。美国电子签名标准(DSS, FIPS186-2)对数字签名作了如下解释:“利用一套规则和一个参数对数据计算所得的结果,用此结果能够确认签名者的身份和数据的完整性。”按照上述定义PKI可以提供数据单元的密码变换,并能使接收者判断数据来源及对数据进行验证。PKI的核心执行机构是电子认证服务提供者,即通称为认证机构CA (Certificate Authority),PKI签名的核心元素是由CA签发的数字证书。

  认证机构CA是PKI的核心执行机构,是PKI的主要组成部分,是一种权威性、可信任性和公正性的第三方机构。建立CA的目的是加强数字证书和密钥的管理工作,增强网上交易各方的互相信任,提高网上购物和网上交易的安全,控制交易的风险,从而推动电子商务的发展。它的基本功能是:1、生成和保管符合安全认证协议要求的公共和私有密钥、数字证书及其数字签名;2、对数字证书和数字签名进行验证;3、对数字证书进行管理,重点是证书的撤销管理,同时追求实施自动管理。第一代CA由SETCO公司建立,以SET协议为基础,服务于B2C电子商务模式的层次性结构。由于B2B电子商务模式的发展,要求CA的支付接口能够兼容支持B2B与B2C,因此产生了以公钥基础设施(PKI)为技术基础的平面与层次结构混合型的第二代CA体系。近年来,PKI技术在理论和应用上都逐步走向了成熟,建立在PKI技术基础上的第二代安全认证体系与支付应用接口所使用的主要标准有:1、由Internet特别工作组颁发的标准:LDAP(轻型目录访问协议)、S/MIME(安全电子邮件协议)、TLC(传输层安全套接层传输协议)、CAT(通用认证技术,Common Authentication Technology)和GSS-API(通用安全服务接口)等;2、由国际标准化组织(ISO)获国际电信联盟(ITU)批准颁发的标准为9594-8/X.509(数字证书格式标准)。




3. 你选择这一研究课题的动机及背景是什么?






4. 你所选择的这项研究有何价值及意义?







5. 你所要进行的这项研究的大概内容是什么?





6. 你所要进行的这项研究大概分为哪些阶段?









7. 你在研究中将采取哪些主要的研究的方法?
















8. 你的研究中将包含哪些环节和实施步骤






9. 你的科研预期所要达到的效果/结果是什么?





10. 列举你所要从事的这项研究将会涉及的某些专业文献。

? Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective》By Efraim Turban, Jae Lee, David King&H.Michael Chung 2001 by Higher Education Press and Pearson Education North Asia Limited

? Web Security & Commerce> By Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford 1997 by O’Reilly&Associates, Inc.

? 蒋旭平:《电子商贸与网络营销》,北京,清华大学出版社,1999

? 关振胜:《公钥基础设施PKI与认证机构CA》,电子工业出版社,2002

? 《电子签名基础知识》TechTarget网站

1. Title
E-Commerce Security – The Development and Research on Electronic Signature

2. Brief Review of Electronic Signature as a Technology
In the virtual world of e-commerce, contracts or documents are expressed and transmitted electronically, accordingly, signing and stamping must also be realized electronics. Electronic signature can be defined as all those electronic technical means used to identify the true identity of both parties of a transaction as appear on the electronic documents so as to ensure the truthfulness, safety and irrevocability of a transaction, with the same effect as handwritten signature or stamping in paper-based transaction documents.











Electronic signature is not the digitalized image of the written signature. It is an electronic code by which the recipient of the document is capable of ascertaining the identity of the document sender and his/her signature. In addition, the original text can be checked as to whether any alterations have happened during the transmission.


There are a number of technical approaches that can realize electronic signature. The relatively mature current approach, which is widely used in most of the developed countries in the world, is the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)-based digital technology. PKI can provide code transformation of the digital unit and allows the receiver to judge the source of the data and test its authenticity. PKI’s core executive organization is electronic certification service provider, usually called CA (Certificate Authority) and the core element of PKI signature is the digital certificate issued by CA.




CA is PKI’s central executive organization, the main component of PKI, which is a third party representing authority, credibility and fairness. CA is set up to strengthen the management of the digital certificates and the key, promote the mutual trust among online dealers, ensure the safety of online transaction and control commercial risks. The ultimate aim is to promote the development of e-commerce. CA’s basic functions are as following—1. generating and safeguarding both the public and the private keys, the digital certificates and their digital signatures that conform to the safety certificate protocols; 2. authentication of digital certificates and signatures; 3. management of digital certificates focusing on the management of disaffirmation of the certificates.


The first generation of CA was set up by SETCO based on SET protocols, serving the B2C e-commerce hierarchy. With the development of B2B e-commerce, CA’s payment interface was required to support both B2B and B2C. Under such circumstances, the second generation of CA which combines both the two-dimensional and hierarchical structures based on PKI technology was born.

In recent years, PKI technology has matured both theoretically and in application. The key standards used by the second-generation security certificate system based on PKI technology and by the payment interface include: 1. LDAP, S/MIME, TLC, CAT (Common Authentication Technology)and GSS-API issued by special International Work Group. 2. The standard issued by ISO with the approval of ITU is 9594-8/X.509.


3. Motivation and Background of the Research
With the robust development of the Internet, E-commerce is becoming a new concept and a new pattern of business operations and management with its high efficiency and low cost. However, the Internet is also a double-edge sword. While enjoying the convenience and efficiency of the Internet, people face to face equally convenient and efficient internet criminalities. Before the Internet safety can be effectively guaranteed, the existing e-commerce will find it hard to reach its proper level of sophistication and depth.









E-commerce safety refers to both the network safety and the transaction safety. The transaction safety which this research concentrates on refers to the security of business transactions as incorporated in the media of the network. Specifically, the security consists of the confidentiality, integrity, truthfulness and incontestability of the e-business activity.


My research prepares to examine the development and the application of electronic signature because the subject has dominant importance in e-business. Electronic signature is the very foundation of e-business as the ID or Passport for electronic transactions. Electronic signature makes it possible for people to conduct e-business globally and the authentication of identity and relevant information is the very basis for formulating transaction regulations in e-commerce. Electronic signature can work out some of the most crucial legal problems in e-business by legalizing the electronic contracts signed, standardizing e-commerce activities and institutionalizing e-commerce.



4. The Significance and Value of the Research
Informatization has been a radical revolution in human social activities, greatly changing the way of data processing, storing, and transmission. In addressing the safety problems of the Internet-based e-commerce, we must use firewall, antivirus and anti-attack measures to ensure network security. In addition, we must use appropriate information security technologies to ensure the authentication of identity, the encrypted transmission of data, the completeness of data and the undeniability of the transaction.



Electronic signature fulfills three major roles—a) to ascertain the source of the document and identify the person of signature; b) to indicate the confirmation of the content of the signed documents by the person of signature; c) serving as evidence indicating that the person of signature bears responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the content of the signed documents.






However, in the actual application of the electronic signature, there have emerged a lot of problems. Do the electronic signature, the statistics and the texts carry any legal validity? Due to some indefinite regulations regarding electronic signature, it is sometimes difficult to determine the legal responsibilities when disputes occur. The legal status and liabilities of the electronic authentication organizations which provide credibility for the parties involved in e-commerce are uncertain. With the further development of internet technology and of the e-business, people will need a heightened level of electronic signature safety. Therefore, it will be very significant to study the development of electronic signature and the research will have an important prospect of application.




5. Synopsis of the Research
The study will specifically focus on the digital signature based on PKI public key coding technology. It is also expected that I can be exposed to other forms and technologies of electronic signature such as symbol recognition on the statistical basis of biological traits, palm prints, vocal impressions or recognition based on retina scanning; encoding, code number or individual recognition codes.


6. Some of the Stages in my Scholarly Research Agenda
My research will be roughly divided into the following three stages. In the first stage, I will re-examine the exiting theories and try to find out their inadequacies where improvements can be made. In this stage, I will develop a broad framework for my research. In the second stage, I will investigate how to realize the digital signature. The utilization of the PKI technology will achieve the following functions of the electronic signature. When the sender affixes an electronic stamp on the electronic document, the stamp can indicate the identity of the sender. The document sender can store his/her personal data in the electronic stamp for verification and checking. Encrypting the electronic documents to which the receiver can have access only through corresponding safety certificates so as to avoid the access by illegal users. The exclusiveness of the electronic stamp is used to indicate the undeniability of the transaction. In the third stage, I will conduct surveys by means of questionnaires and by using official as well non-official statistics in order to obtain reliable data concerning the general public’s understanding and the use of the electronic signature. My research findings will help us gain insights into the current application of electronic signature and what needs to be improved.


7. The Methodologies I will Adopt
To affix an electronic signature onto an electronic document, there are about three steps. First, the identity will be authenticated online, then signature will be affixed, and finally the authentication of the signature will be made.


The service provided by the PKI technology is first and foremost the authentication of identity and the identity authentication presupposes the holding by the both parties of transaction of the certificates issued by the CA. A unilateral authentication is relatively simple. One of the parties first obtains the certificate of the other party and then use the CA’s root certificate public key to verify the signature of the certificate. This can determine the validity of the certificate. The next step is to check the term of validity of the certificate and whether the certificate has expired. In a bilateral authentication, both parties should affirm the validity of the other party’s certificate.


When the identities of both parties have been mutually authenticated, they enter the stage of affixing the digital signature. This will consist of two parts—signing the document and authenticating the signature. The sender obtains a digital abstract of the original text by means of the Hash algorithm and then obtains the digital signature by applying asymmetrical encryption by means of private key. The sender finally sends the original document together with the digital signature. When the receiver receives the message, he/she uses the public key to decode the digital signature and obtains the digital abstract. By applying the same Hash algorithm, he/she obtains a new digital abstract. The perfect matching of the two sets of digital abstracts indicates that the document has been successfully transmitted.


8. Specific Steps and Procedures of My Research
During my research, I will construct a model for internet data transmission and the model will give a clear picture of all the procedures of making an electronic signature. Through both quantitative and qualitative analysis, I will use the statistics to investigate into the actual effects of the use of electronic signature. I will also establish case studies to derive successful experiences and lessons of failure of the use of electronic signatures.


9. The Final Results I Wish to Achieve
Through this research, I wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the e-business as a whole and of the electronic signature technology in particular. I hope that my research will contribute to the more widespread and safer use of electronic signature and promote the healthy development of e-commerce in general.


10. Bibliography and References

1. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective Efraim Turban, Jae Lee, David King & H. Michael Chung, Higher Education Press and Pearson Education North Asia Limited 2001

2. Web Security & Commerce Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1997

3. Secure Preservation of Electronic Documents (A project being undertaken by the research team led by Prof. at the University of x x x, which will be completed by February 2005.)

4. E-Commerce and Network Marketing Jiang Xuping Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 1999

5. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Authority (CA) Guan Zhengsheng Electronic Industry Press, 2002

6. Fundamentals of Electronic Signature TechTarget Website



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