在ETS 用“雷同探测器”向全球考生,尤其是中国考生,念起紧箍咒,规定了这样那样的百般“禁忌”之后,如何才能写出能给自己带来满意成绩的文章,便成为考生们的当务之急。
of Scored Issue Essays with Reader's Commentaries
Sample Issue Topic
"In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly over-rated.
We need more generalists — people who can provide broad
Benchmark 3 — Limited
Generalists have the ideas and beliefs of what America is made of. America's wealth of knowledge can be related to the generalists of the past generations and the original leaders of our Constitution Period that helped shape our great nation. If our former leaders would have not been generalists when creating our country's Constitution in the late 1770's, American generations of would have been burdened with the constant understanding that they are doomed to failure.
The fact that our past leaders were not specialists gave the creation of the Constitution the ability to be changed through amendments passed by our represented leaders of today. The Constitution was created with the ability to adapt to the countries needs and demands in running our society as it changes over time. The generalists approach to this creation of a non-specialized Constitution shows the need for todays generations to continue with the beliefs that a specialist would not follow.
America has learned from it's past and has done what it can to make the changes through adaption. America's greatness has been from the generalist leaders of the past, thinking for the Americans of the future. Americans with a broad perspective is what will continue to lead our great nation into the twenty-first century.
Comment on 3
This response displays some competence but is flawed by
imprecise use of language and limited analysis of the issue.
The writer supports the claim that generalists are preferable to specialists, offering as evidence the historical example of the generalists who created the U.S. Constitution. The example, while relevant, is not adequately developed. The middle paragraph traces the flexibility of the U.S. Constitution to the generalist orientation of 18th century leaders, but the ideas in the first paragraph are too vaguely expressed to contribute to this discussion, and the final paragraph consists of unsubstantiated generalities.
Frequent minor errors in punctuation, pronoun use, and verb tense, as well as imprecise syntax and phrasing (e.g., "Generalists have the ideas and beliefs of what America is made of. " and "...gave the creation of the Constitution the ability to...") contribute to the overall inadequacy of this response.
Issue Topic
"In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly over-rated.
We need more generalists — people who can provide broad
Benchmark 4 — Adequate
The need for generalists is undeniable but one can not underestimate the need and importance of specialists. The medical profession is a good example of an area that requires both generalists and specialists. If there were no generalists in the profession there would be no one to help patients determine when a specialist was needed. There are certain problems that a general practitioner can take care of and there are other problems that are out of his or her league. The general practitioner is the an appropriate place to start when a patient develops a problem. Many times the general practitioner is more than capable of handling problems that arise and other times he or she is unable to fully take control of the patient's care. It isn't a fault with the general practitioners. There is just too much to know for any one person to be an expert on all topics. It takes people years to become experts on a single topic, never mind being an expert on everything in the medical profession.
I am currently working in a large teaching hospital where the need for both general practitioners and specialists is obvious. When a patient is admitted to a general medicine floor, the general medicine physicians are not always able to deal with every problem the patient has without some help from the specialists. It would be unrealistic, not to mention unfair to the general practitioners, to expect the general practitioners to know everything about everything. The key is to know where everyone's knowledge and area of expertise lie and use their strengths to optimize patient care.
On the general medicine team in which I worked, the team would constantly be requesting consults from specialists. Whether it be a renal, psychiatric, orthopedic, rehabilitation, speech, gastroenterologist, or any other specialist, their input was constantly needed and used to get the patient well as quickly as possible. The list of specialists can go on longer than one would think and it is just impossible for one person to know everything about each one of them.
Although the need for generalists is apparent, it would be hard to survive without specialists, also. When a person acts as a generalist, they know little bit about everything, but certainly not a totally inclusive knowledge of everything. The specialist is there to help add the expertise and inclusive knowledge that the generalist may be lacking. The most important thing to remember with specialists and generalists is to recognize both's strengths and weaknesses and capitalize on the strengths to achieve whatever goal may be desired. (430 words)
Reader Comment on 4
Overall, this is a competent response to the topic. The
writer disputes the claim that "specialists are over-rated" and argues from the position that both specialists and generalists
are needed. The single extended example clearly supports
the premise of the argument as the writer compares the roles
and responsibilities of generalists and specialists in the
medical profession. By paragraph 3, however, the discussion
falters, and the concluding paragraph does little more than
repeat ideas presented in the first two paragraphs.
This essay displays generally adequate control over syntax and usage, and the word choice, while appropriate, lacks precision.
在扼要分析了Issue类文章的评分标准及相应样本之后,我们不妨接下来审视一下Argument 类的作文样本及其评分标准。
记得在第一次读到ETS公布的Argument 6.0分的作文样本(参见附录一)时,我在读完最后一句时曾确实情不自禁地为之拍案称奇,深深感慨于其鞭辟入里之深邃,丝丝入扣之细腻,实有一种令多数考生无可企及的感觉。但是,如果我们不以Argument作文6.0分作为终极目标,并且,当我们对5.0分的Argument类文章作一番分析之后,信心和成功的希望在我们内心深处又会油然而生。
Samples of Scored Argument Essays with Reader's Commentaries
Argument Topic
Hospital statistics regarding people who go to the emergency
room after rollerskating accidents indicate the need for
more protective equipment. Within this group of people,
75 percent of those who had accidents in streets or parking
lots were not wearing any protective clothing (helmets,
knee pads, etc.) or any light-reflecting material (clip-on
lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads, etc.). Clearly, these
statistics indicate that by investing in high-quality protective
gear and reflective equipment, roller skaters will greatly
reduce their risk of being severely injured in an accident.
5 — Strong
The argument presented is limited but useful. It indicates
a possible relationship between a high percentage of accidents
and a lack of protective equipment. The statistics cited
compel a further investigation of the usefulness of protective
gear in preventing or mitigating roller-skating related
injuries. However, the conclusion that protective gear and
reflective equipment would "greatly reduce...risk of
being severely injured" is premature. Data is lacking
with reference to the total population of skaters and the
relative levels of experience, skill and physical coordination
of that population. It is entirely possible that further
research would indicate that most serious injury is averted
by the skater's ability to react quickly and skillfully
in emergency situations.
Another area of investigation necessary before conclusions can be reached is identification of the types of injuries that occur and the various causes of those injuries. The article fails to identify the most prevalent types of roller-skating related injuries. It also fails to correlate the absence of protective gear and reflective equipment to those injuries. For example, if the majority of injuries are skin abrasions and closed-head injuries, then a case can be made for the usefulness of protective clothing mentioned. Likewise, if injuries are caused by collision with vehicles (e.g. bicycles, cars) or pedestrians, then light-reflective equipment might mitigate the occurences. However, if the primary types of injuries are soft-tissue injuries such as torn ligaments and muscles, back injuries and the like, then a greater case could be made for training and experience as preventative measures. (250 words)
众所周知,所有Argument的论题都是“似是而非的”,在立论、论据和结论之间貌似合理,但细加推敲必漏洞叠出。考生写作此类文章的任务,就是探讨所给出的论题在哪些方面是合理(justified)和有效(valid)的,在另外哪些方面存在缺陷(flawed)。总之一句话,就是“Discuss how well reasoned you find the argument.”
在ETS评阅人为这篇5.0分的文章所写下的评语中,我们可以敏锐地捕捉到一个关键词汇——critique。Critique 非全然是负面的反应,而是主要由summary(要点归纳), evaluation(评价)及criticism(批评)构成。虽然critique与criticism词根相同,并也常常被译作“批评”〔尤其是在哲学领域,如德国哲学家Immanuel Kant(康德)的两部著名论著Critique of Pure Reason及Critique of Judgment普遍被译为《纯粹理性批判》和《判断力批判》(商务印书馆)〕,但《英汉大词典》(上海译文出版社,陆谷孙主编)的注释却是“评论”。实质上,无论是“批评”还是“评论”,对某一作品、文章或论点进行critique就是对其得失进行剖析,肯定其合理有效之处,指出谬误失败之处,提出尚待改进和完善的意见。
具体到GRE作文中的任何一个特定的Argument,其“似是”的程度约为1/3甚至更少。“而非”的程度约为2/3或更多。因此,在写Argument类文章时,一味地对所给出的论题(argument)进行负面评述,进行全盘否定,这是不可取的。这样做本身就是片面的,而片面性即是逻辑推理之大忌。毕竟,Argument类作文的写作要求是:“Discuss how well reasoned you find the argument”。它意味着,考生应将所给出的argument比照逻辑推理的尺度来进行衡量,揭示出该argument在何种程度和哪些方面是合理的,又在何种程度和哪些方面是不合理的,并给出理由。
全文共250个英文单词,每个句子都具有不可或缺的本质意义。全文首句“The argument presented is limited but useful.”具有两层功能,一是对所给出的argument一分为二地作出评价,二是构成全文的主题句(topic sentence)。以下所有内容都是在围绕这一主题句提供材料,藉以论述并证实这一主题。紧接下来的第二、第三句“It indicates a possible relationship between a high percentage of accidents and a lack of protective equipment. The statistics cited compel a further investigation of the usefulness of protective gear in preventing or mitigating roller-skating related injuries.”是在对原argument中的两个合理之处予以承认,同时也起到summary的作用。这种在以负面批评为主调的文章中对固有的优点予以认可,英文叫“conceding the strengths of the argument”。 但正如我在前面所指出的那样,conceding the strengths of the argument 应控制在1/3以内的篇幅。
第四句“However, the conclusion that protective gear and reflective equipment would ‘greatly reduce...risk of being severely injured’ is premature.”开始转入全文的主体(body),即对原argument的批判。这一批判由两部分构成,第一部分由本句至第一自然段最后的内容构成,本句为第一部分内容的主题句,指出原argument中的结论是 “premature”。 接下来的第五、第六句“Data is lacking with reference to the total population of skaters and the relative levels of experience, skill and physical coordination of that population. It is entirely possible that further research would indicate that most serious injury is averted by the skater's ability to react quickly and skillfully in emergency situations.”是论据,说明在两个具体的方面,原argument中的结论为何显得“premature”。
第二个自然段构成了批判的另一个部分——指出原>argument从论据到结论之间的疏漏之处(omissions)。该段落的第一句“Another area of investigation necessary before conclusions can be reached is identification of the types of injuries that occur and the various causes of those injuries.”是第二部分批判性内容的主题句。在接下来的第二、第三句“The article fails to identify the most prevalent types of roller-skating related injuries. It also fails to correlate the absence of protective gear and reflective equipment to those injuries.”中,作者以两个排比句式中的“fails to …”指出了原argument中的二大欠缺(inadequacies)。在最后的例证部分(illustration),即“sans-serif">For example, if the majority of injuries are skin abrasions and closed-head injuries, then a case can be made for the usefulness of protective clothing mentioned. Likewise, if injuries are caused by collision with vehicles (e.g. bicycles, cars) or pedestrians, then light-reflective equipment might mitigate the occurrences. However, if the primary types of injuries are soft-tissue injuries such as torn ligaments and muscles, back injuries and the like, then a greater case could be made for training and experience as preventative measures.”作者通过三个“if”暗示,如果原arguer能在这三方面对injuries的种类进行细分(subdivide)并进一步明确其成因的话,则可改进原argument的推论,并使之站得住脚。
该文的可贵之处在于立论开门见山,直击要害。主体部分精确地捕捉住了原argument两个方面的四处谬误(fallacies)并一针见血地逐一予以揭露(expose)。在对原argument合理之处进行必要认可(concede)的同时,指出通过更为细致的因果关系的确立(the establishment of causal relationship),原argument可得到改进的几个方面。ETS评阅人的下述评语无疑是十分中肯的:
Comment on 5
This strong response gets right to the work of critiquing
the argument, observing that it "indicates a possible
relationship" but that its conclusion "is premature." It raises three central questions that, if answered, might
undermine the soundness of the argument:
What are the characteristics of the total population of skaters?
What is the usefulness of protective or reflective gear in preventing or mitigating rollerskating-related injuries?
What are the types of injuries sustained and their causes?
The writer develops each of these questions by considering possible answers that would either strengthen or weaken the argument. The paper does not analyze the argument as insightfully or develop the critique as fully as the typical "6" paper, but the clear organization, strong control of language, and substantial degree of development warrant more than a score of "4."
虽然我们反对任何固定不变的写作模板,但这一篇合格的argument类文章若干个必要模块(module)还是可以归纳出来的。(一)对原argument正反两方面进行辩证评价,即evaluation;(二)归纳出原argument中二至三处合理论点,即summarizing and conceding the strengths of the argument;(三)列举原argument中二至三个方面的逻辑推理缺陷并指出原因(identifying logical flaws and pointing out their reasons);(四)指出二至三个可改进之处及如何进行改进(indicating possible improvements that can be made and how they can be made)。
4 — Adequate
Although the argument stated above discusses the importance
of safety equipment as significant part of avoiding injury,
the statistics quoted are vague and inconclusive. Simply
because 75 percent of the people involved in roller-skating
accidents are not wearing the stated equipment does not
automatically implicate the lack of equipment as the cause
of injury. The term "accidents" may imply a great
variety of injuries. The types of injuries one could incur
by not wearing the types of equipment stated above are minor
head injuries; skin abrasions or possibly bone fracture
of a select few areas such as knees, elbows, hands, etc.
(which are in fact most vulnerable to this sport); and/or
injuries due to practising the sport during low light times
of the day. During any physically demanding activity or
sport people are subjected to a wide variety of injuries
which cannot be avoided with protective clothing or light-reflective
materials. These injuries include inner trauma (e.g., heart-attack);
exhaustion; strained muscles, ligaments, or tendons; etc.
Perhaps the numbers and percentages of people injured during
roller-skating, even without protective equipment, would
decrease greatly if people participating in the sport had
proper training, good physical health, warm-up properly
before beginning (stretching), as well as take other measures
to prevent possible injury, such as common-sense, by refraining
from performing the activity after proper lighting has ceased
and knowing your personal limitations as an individual and
athlete. The statistics used in the above reasoning are
lacking in proper direction considering their assertions
and therefore must be further examined and modified so that
proper conclusions can be reached.
Comment on 4
This adequate response targets the argument's vague and
inconclusive "statistics." The essay identifies
and critiques the illogical reasoning that results from
the misguided use of the argument's statistics:
that non-use of equipment may be "automatically" assumed to be the cause of injury
that "accidents" may refer to minor injuries
that injuries may result from other causes - skating in the dark, failure to train or warm-up properly, failure to recognize one's physical limitations
The writer competently grasps the weaknesses of the argument. The ideas are clear and connected, but the essay lacks transitional phrases. Development, too, is only adequate. Control of language is better than adequate. The writer achieves both control and clarity and ably conforms to the conventions of written English. Overall, though, this "4" essay lacks the more thorough development of a typical "5" response.
“In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly over-rated. We need more generalists—people who can provide broad perspectives.”
6 – Outstanding
Sample Essay
In this era of rapid social and technological change leading
to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement,
both positive and negative effects among persons in Western
society call for a balance in which there are both specialists
and generalists.
Specialists are necessary in order to allow society as a whole to properly and usefully assimilate the masses of new information and knowledge that have come out of research and have been widely disseminated through mass global media. As the head of Pharmacology at my university once said (and I paraphrase): “I can only research what I do because there are so many who have come before me to whom I can turn for basic knowledge. It is only because of each of the narrowly focused individuals at each step that a full and true understanding of the complexities of life can be had. Each person can only hold enough knowledge to add one small rung to the ladder, but together we can climb to the moon.” This illustrates the point that our societies level of knowledge and technology is at a stage in which there simply must be specialists in order for our society to take advantage of the information available to us.
Simply put, without specialists, our society would find itself bogged down in the Sargasso sea of information overload. While it was fine for early physicists to learn and understand the few laws and ideas that existed during their times, now, no one individual can possibly digest and assimilate all of the knowledge in any given area.
On the other hand, Over specialization means narrow foci in which people can lose the larger picture. No one can hope to understand the human body by only inspecting one’s own toe-nails. What we learn from a narrow focus may be internally logically coherent but may be irrelevant or fallacious within the framework of a broader perspective. Further, if we inspect only our toenails, we may conclude that the whole body is hard and white. Useful conclusions and thus perhaps useful inventions must come by sharing among specialists. Simply throwing out various discoveries means we have a pile of useless discoveries, it is only when one can make with them a mosaic that we can see that they may form a picture.
Not only may over-specialization be dangerous in terms of the truth, purity and cohesion of knowledge, but it can also serve to drown moral or universal issues. Generalists and only generalists can see a broad enough picture to realize and introduce to the world the problems of the environment. With specialization, each person focuses on their research and their goals. Thus, industrialization, expansion, and new technologies are driven ahead. Meanwhile no individual can see the wholistic view of our global existence in which true advancement may mean stifling individual specialists for the greater good of all.
Finally, over-specialization in a people’s daily lives and jobs has meant personal and psychological compartmentalization. People are forced into pigeon holes early in life (at least by university) and must consciously attempt to consume external forms of stimuli and information in order not to be lost in their small and isolated universe. Not only does this make for narrowly focused and generally poorly-educated individuals, but it guarantees a sense of loss of community, often followed by a feeling of psychological displacement and personal dissatisfaction.
generalists, society becomes inward-looking and eventually
inefficient. Without a society that recognizes the importance
of broad-mindedness and for sharing generalities, individuals
become isolated. Thus, while our form of society necessitates
specialists, generalists are equally important. Specialists
drive us forward in a series of thrusts while generalists
make sure we are still on the jousting field and know what
the stakes are.
(623 words)
B: ETS评阅人的评语
Reader Comment on 6
outstanding response displays insightful analysis, meticulous
development, impressive vocabulary and a mastery of the
elements of effective writing. The writer disagrees with
the stated opinions by arguing that specialists and generalists
are both vital: specialists prevent us from becoming "bogged
down in the Sargasso sea of information overload,"
while generalists provide help to see "the big picture"
and, unlike specialists, protect our "greater good."
The essay is carefully constructed throughout, enabling
the reader to move effortlessly from point to point as the
writer examines the multi-faceted implications of the issue
and provides compelling reasons and examples to support
the premise and take the argument to an effective conclusion.
Although other "6" responses may not be as eloquent
as this essay, they nevertheless all display the test taker's
ability to articulate complex ideas effectively and precisely.
C: 参考译文
(得分基准点 6 分 – 优秀)
范文 在当今这个社会变革与技术变革日新月异、导致生活复杂性和心理失落感与日俱增的时代,西方社会中人与人之间积极的和消极的两类效应呼唤整个社会应在专才与通才之间达成某种平衡。
Argument 类文章样本(Sample Argument Essay)
Argument Hospital statistics regarding people who go to the emergency room after roller-skating accidents indicate the need for more protective equipment. Within this group of people, 75 percent of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protective clothing (helmets, knee pads, etc.). Clearly, these statistics indicate that by investing in high-quality protective gear and reflective equipment, roller-skaters will greatly reduce their risk of being severely injured in an accident.
6 – Outstanding)
Sample Essay
The notion that protective gear reduces the injuries suffered in accidents seems at first glance to be an obvious conclusion. After all, it is the intent of these products to either prevent accidents from occurring in the first place or to reduce the injuries suffered by the wearer should an accident occur. However, the conclusion that investing in high quality protective gear greatly reduces the risk of being severely injured in an accident may mask other (and potentially more significant) causes of injuries and may inspire people to over invest financially and psychologically in protective gear.
First of all, as mentioned in the argument, there are two distinct kinds of gear – preventative gear (such as light reflecting material) and protective gear (such as helmets). Preventative gear is intended to warn others, presumably for the most part motorists, of the presence of the roller skater. It works only if the “other” is a responsible and caring individual who will afford the skater the necessary space and attention. Protective gear is intended to reduce the effect of any accident, whether it is caused by an “other”, the skater or some force of nature. Protective gear does little, if anything, to prevent accidents but is presumed to reduce the injuries that occur in an accident. The statistics on injuries suffered by skaters would be more interesting if the skaters were grouped into those wearing no gear at all, those wearing protective gear only, those wearing preventative gear only and those wearing both. These statistics could provide skaters with a clearer understanding of which kinds of gear are more beneficial.
The argument above is weakened by the fact that it does not take into account the inherent differences between skaters who wear gear and those who do not. It is at least likely that those who wear gear may be generally more responsible and/or safety conscious individuals. The skaters who wear gear may be less likely to cause accidents through careless or dangerous behavior. It may, in fact, be their natural caution and responsibility that keeps them out of the emergency room rather that the gear itself. Also, the statistic above is based entirely on those who are skating in streets and parking lots which are relatively dangerous places to skate in the first place. People who are generally more safety conscious (and therefore more likely to wear gear) may choose to skate in safer areas such as parks or back yards.
The statistic also does not differentiate between severity of injuries. The conclusion that safety gear prevents severe injuries suggests that it is presumed that people come to the emergency room only with severe injuries. This is certainly not the case. Also, given that skating is a recreational activity that may be primarily engaged in during evenings and weekends (when doctors’ offices are closed), skater with less severe injuries may be especially likely to come to the emergency room for treatment.
there is absolutely no evidence provided that high quality
(and presumably more expensive) gear is any more beneficial
than other kinds of gear. For example, a simple white t-shirt
may provide the same preventative benefit as a higher quality,
more expensive, shirt designed only for skating. Before
skaters are encouraged to invest heavily in gear, a more
complete understanding of the benefit provided by individual
pieces of gear would be helpful. The argument for safety
gear based on emergency room statistics could provide important
information and potentially saves lives. Before conclusions
about the amount and kinds of investments that should be
made in gear are reached, however, confidence in ineffective
gear could be just as dangerous as no gear at all.
(610 words)
Reader Comment on 6
This outstanding response demonstrates the writer’s insightful analytical skills.
The introduction, which notes that adopting the prompt’s fallacious reasoning could “…inspire people to over invest financially and psychologically in protective gear,” is followed by a comprehensive examination of each of the argument’s root flaws. Specifically, the writer exposes several points that undermine the argument:
that preventive and protective gear are not the same
that skaters who wear gear may be less prone to accidents because they are, by nature, more responsible and cautious
that the statistics do not differentiate by the severity of the injuries
that gear may not need to be high-quality to be beneficial
discussion is smoothly and logically organized, and each
point is thoroughly and cogently developed. In addition,
the writing is succinct, economical and error-free. Sentences
are varied and complex, and diction is expressive and precise.
In sum, this essay exemplifies the very top of the “6”
range described in the scoring guide. If the writer had
been less eloquent or provided fewer reasons to refute the
argument, the essay could still have been scored “6.”
F: 参考译文
(得分基准点 6 分 – 优秀)