缘起: 本案例中的申请者,虽然只是一名专升本的学生(人民大学国际商务专业), 但仍被帮助获得了英国华威大学的硕士项目(人力资源管理及产业关系)的录取。这对于一个国内专升本的学生来说,能够攻读这一英国名校的硕士课程并获得学位,将从根本上改变其过去教育背景中的劣势,并为其未来的个人及职业发展奠定一个全新的高起点。
然而,近年来,一方面IELTS考试呈现出越来越难考的趋势,另一方面,英国大学对学生的IELTS成绩的要求越来越高。有些原来只需要6.0的,现在已上升到6.5; 原来只需要6.5的,现在已上升到7.0。伴随着这个水涨船高的趋势,很多学生虽然获得了顶尖学校的conditional offer (有条件录取), 但还是苦苦挣扎,无法在对方学校规定的期限内考得一个能满足其要求的语言分数,像本案例中的申请者那样。
申请人花了半年的时间,数次参加ILETS考试,但由于专升本的关系,英语底子不过硬,成绩依然离ILETS 7.0尚有一段距离。其间,也与对方多次交涉,希望能适当通融,降低录取分数,但遭到拒绝。由于录取通知书中说,当年如果无法入学的话,在个别特殊情况下(exceptional cases),学校可以为学生保留学籍,推迟至第二年入学。于是,申请人又提出推迟入学的申请,但显然不符合对方所谓“exceptional”的条件,故推迟入学的申请也遭拒。
还好,录取申请人的另外一所排名稍低的学校可以为其保留学籍,推迟至第二年入学。由于申请人赴英读书志在必得,故决定先到英国花半年的时间专攻IELTS考试,并顺便适应英国的生活,提高与当地人语言沟通的实际能力。但是,赴英读语言学校,存在签证问题,故申请人在联系语言学校时,关键在于要确定对方能颁发有效的文件供签证。申请人联系的Regent语言学校,承诺能颁发一种叫“Student Visitor Visa”的文件,即SVV or C-Visit Student。
本案例分三部分:部分 - 1 / 部分 - 2 /
部分 - 3
文件-1:conditional offer
一份典型的有条件录取(conditional offer)首先会祝贺这位申请者被录取。但是,顾名思义,有条件录取通知书的主要内容是“条件”。
对于推迟入学,要填写申请表格,而且大多数科系只有在非常特别的情况下(under exceptional circumstances)才会批准。
Dear Miss Wang Lin,
ADCDEF University ID Number: 1234567
We are pleased to confirm that we have now received a second satisfactory reference to partially meet the conditions of your offer. Your offer remains conditional as detailed below.
Before your place on this course can be officially confirmed, you must meet the condition(s) set out below by no later than 1 September 2012. You will not be permitted to commence this course until all conditions have been met. The condition(s) on your offer is/are:
~ Submit a completed 'Certification of Degree Result' form or provide the original (or an
attested copy) of your certificate/transcript with an official translation into English
confirming the award of your degree with a final mark of 86.5.
~ Submit an English Language test certificate confirming a score of (or equivalent to)
IELTS 7.0 with a maximum of two component scores at 6.0 or 6.5. Please see
http://www2.abcde.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/apply/english/ for more information.
~ Please read the University terms and conditions of offer carefully at www.
~ If your conditions include a requirement to submit proof of your degree result, we
recommend that you have your original document(s) attested and send the attested
copy document to satisfy this condition of offer. (Remember that if you are going to be
applying for a visa, you may need your original degree certificate to include with your
visa application.) If you choose instead to send in your original degree certificate by
post, we will return it to you immediately and email you to let you know that it has been
posted. Any other hard copy document (including transcripts) sent to us will not be
returned unless you include with the document(s) a self-addressed, postage paid
~ Please note that you will not be able to enroll or start the course until you have satisfied
all the conditions of your offer.
~ For useful links, explanations of the terms used in your offer (such as 'attested') and to
know 'what happens next?', please visit our offer holders' website at www.
We note that you have yet to respond to our offer of a place. When you are ready to confirm whether you wish to accept our offer, please do so online through our webform at www. abce.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/apply/pga/. If you wish to request to defer our offer of a place until the following academic year, please state your reasons on the form at www. abcde.ac.uk/go/pgofferresponse and we will be happy to pass your request onto the department for a decision. (Please note that many departments only grant deferrals under exceptional circumstances.)
If you have any questions regarding the admissions process please contact us on pgteam3@abcde.ac.uk or by telephone on +44 (0)1234567890. If you have specific questions about your course please contact your academic department by email on abcde@wbs.ac.uk. It is important that you keep us informed of any change in your contact details, particularly your current email address so that we can continue to update you on the progress of your application. If your contact details change, please let us know by emailing us at pgteam3@abcdefg.ac.uk.
Please save this email for future reference.
We look forward to receiving proof that you have met your remaining condition(s).
Kind regards,
Lucy Michael
The Postgraduate Admissions Team
Student Admissions and Recruitment Office
The University of ABCDE |