
套磁SOS: 英国留学IELTS成绩不达标,转读英国语言学校,来年再入学攻读硕士 | |
缘起: 本案例中的申请者,虽然只是一名专升本的学生(人民大学国际商务专业), 但仍被帮助获得了英国华威大学的硕士项目(人力资源管理及产业关系)的录取。这对于一个国内专升本的学生来说,能够攻读这一英国名校的硕士课程并获得学位,将从根本上改变其过去教育背景中的劣势,并为其未来的个人及职业发展奠定一个全新的高起点。
然而,近年来,一方面IELTS考试呈现出越来越难考的趋势,另一方面,英国大学对学生的IELTS成绩的要求越来越高。有些原来只需要6.0的,现在已上升到6.5; 原来只需要6.5的,现在已上升到7.0。伴随着这个水涨船高的趋势,很多学生虽然获得了顶尖学校的conditional offer (有条件录取), 但还是苦苦挣扎,无法在对方学校规定的期限内考得一个能满足其要求的语言分数,像本案例中的申请者那样。
申请人花了半年的时间,数次参加ILETS考试,但由于专升本的关系,英语底子不过硬,成绩依然离ILETS 7.0尚有一段距离。其间,也与对方多次交涉,希望能适当通融,降低录取分数,但遭到拒绝。由于录取通知书中说,当年如果无法入学的话,在个别特殊情况下(exceptional cases),学校可以为学生保留学籍,推迟至第二年入学。于是,申请人又提出推迟入学的申请,但显然不符合对方所谓“exceptional”的条件,故推迟入学的申请也遭拒。
还好,录取申请人的另外一所排名稍低的学校可以为其保留学籍,推迟至第二年入学。由于申请人赴英读书志在必得,故决定先到英国花半年的时间专攻IELTS考试,并顺便适应英国的生活,提高与当地人语言沟通的实际能力。但是,赴英读语言学校,存在签证问题,故申请人在联系语言学校时,关键在于要确定对方能颁发有效的文件供签证。申请人联系的Regent语言学校,承诺能颁发一种叫“Student Visitor Visa”的文件,即SVV or C-Visit Student。
介绍完课程类别,会继续告诉你上课的日程安排,一般都是每周一上课,小班教学,每个学生的进度都会受到应有的关注。此外,学校在学生到校的时候会分配给他一个个人辅导(personal coach),负责对学生进行检测和指导,以便引导学生的正确的学习方向和学习动力。
之后是费用问题和获取签证文件的方式。 如果在英国学习时间为23周,学生就可以通过访问学生签证(Student Visitor Visa)的身份来英国。
要获得学校的用于访问学生签证(Student Visitor Visa)的文件,只需要按照学校的程序完成申请和注册,就可以了。程序很简单,基本是如下步骤:
1 ) 申请者先预定课程; 2 ) 学校会记录学生的预定信息; 3 ) 学校和申请者进行确认;
4 ) 申请者需要付订金(300英镑)和 5 ) 学校收到订金后,就会通过
6 ) 申请者拿到英国签证之后,学生需 7 ) 学校收到所需全部费用之后,如果 8 ) 提醒学生准时到校学习。
最后, 学校再次强调可以替学生安排各种方式的住宿,包括寄宿到当地家庭,公寓或者旅馆。对于中国学生来说,这是很方便的。
决定去语言学校后,在给语言学校的信中首先应该说明自己选择的课程类别(23周的课程)和自己的学习目标(雅思7.0), 并且期待这个学校能够帮助自己实现这个目标。
以上就是在雅思成绩不达标的情况下通过语言学校的途径进入英国典型的程序和方法。很多中国学生是通过这个途径进入英国的,并且在英语环境之中学习了一段时间英语之后,顺利地获得了满意的语言成绩,从而进入自己心仪的大学正式攻读学位。所以,对于那些没有达到学校的条件,但是仍旧非常想去英国留学的学生,大可不必因为语言成绩过不了关而放弃,“条条道路通罗马”,语言学校也是一个不错的选择。 文件-7:语言学校热情欢迎
Dear Lin,
Many thanks for your email and for choosing ABCDE London Language School! I’d love to help you organise the perfect stay in London. Below, I’ve given you a little more information about our Exam Preparation courses. If there’s anything else you need to know just ask! I’m always here to help. Our exam preparation courses are carefully designed around the individual exams to ensure that students are confident in all areas of the exam. We believe that simply preparing for an exam in not enough for students to achieve their best, which is why our students focus on developing their language skills in the morning sessions and focus on exam preparation in the afternoons. We have on site a number of experienced examiners with over 20 years experience both in teaching the course and examining students in London test centres. We have two different options for exam preparation:
IELTS Preparation course (25 hours of group lessons per week, Monday to Friday 09.00 - 15.45) IELTS Combination (25 hours of group lessons + 5 hours of individual lessons per week, Monday to Friday 09.00 - 17.00) The courses start every Monday and the maximum class size is 12 students, meaning that you will receive a lot of personal attention from your tutors. You will also be assigned a personal coach when you arrive at the school who you will meet once a week for a 15 minute session to discuss and assess your progress throughout the course and set new academic goals for the following week. These coaching sessions aim to encourage our students to direct their own learning and ensure that they continue to be driven throughout their course. Click here to read more about our IELTS preparation course. There is no registration fee and all study material is included in the course fee. If you are also interested in booking accommodation with us, we can offer host families, residences or hotels. I hope that this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you have any more questions. Annett
Dear Annett: Thank you for your email detailing the information about my chosen course and the enrolment process. I have decided to attend your language school for a period of 23 weeks, with the aim to achieving an IELST score of 7.0. I hope that the experienced faculty there can help me achieve this goal in the due time. I will fill in the enrolment form on Monday and send it to you. After receiving your confirmation, I will pay the deposit. In the meantime, I hope to receive the supporting documents necessary for visa application and will try to obtain my within before Sept. 15th. I will then prepare to come to London and I hope to arrive before the end of this month so that I can start my courses at the beginning of Oct. I hope that the original copy of the visa support document can be sent to me by courier so that I can have sufficient time to appply for visa to arrive at your school in time. I would also considerably appreciate that you can process all my enrolment procedures as soon as possible. Your sincerely, Wang Lin
Dear Lin,
Thank you very much for your e-mail. It's great to hear from you again. I am of course delighted that you have decided to study with us for 23 weeks. Annett |
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