

1. 雅思不达标,赴英读语言


套磁SOS: 英国留学IELTS成绩不达标,转读英国语言学校,来年再入学攻读硕士

        缘起: 本案例中的申请者,虽然只是一名专升本的学生(人民大学国际商务专业), 但仍被帮助获得了英国华威大学的硕士项目(人力资源管理及产业关系)的录取。这对于一个国内专升本的学生来说,能够攻读这一英国名校的硕士课程并获得学位,将从根本上改变其过去教育背景中的劣势,并为其未来的个人及职业发展奠定一个全新的高起点。

        然而,近年来,一方面IELTS考试呈现出越来越难考的趋势,另一方面,英国大学对学生的IELTS成绩的要求越来越高。有些原来只需要6.0的,现在已上升到6.5; 原来只需要6.5的,现在已上升到7.0。伴随着这个水涨船高的趋势,很多学生虽然获得了顶尖学校的conditional offer (有条件录取), 但还是苦苦挣扎,无法在对方学校规定的期限内考得一个能满足其要求的语言分数,像本案例中的申请者那样。

        申请人花了半年的时间,数次参加ILETS考试,但由于专升本的关系,英语底子不过硬,成绩依然离ILETS 7.0尚有一段距离。其间,也与对方多次交涉,希望能适当通融,降低录取分数,但遭到拒绝。由于录取通知书中说,当年如果无法入学的话,在个别特殊情况下(exceptional cases),学校可以为学生保留学籍,推迟至第二年入学。于是,申请人又提出推迟入学的申请,但显然不符合对方所谓“exceptional”的条件,故推迟入学的申请也遭拒。

        还好,录取申请人的另外一所排名稍低的学校可以为其保留学籍,推迟至第二年入学。由于申请人赴英读书志在必得,故决定先到英国花半年的时间专攻IELTS考试,并顺便适应英国的生活,提高与当地人语言沟通的实际能力。但是,赴英读语言学校,存在签证问题,故申请人在联系语言学校时,关键在于要确定对方能颁发有效的文件供签证。申请人联系的Regent语言学校,承诺能颁发一种叫“Student Visitor Visa”的文件,即SVV or C-Visit Student。

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        最后,要针对学校的政策再次强调自己应该获得批准的理由。虽然,学校的政策是只有在“非常特别的情况”( exceptional cases)才会考虑批准推迟入学,但是通过强调自己攻读这个学位的决心和为了满足学校条件所付出的巨大努力,来让学校相信这也是一个Exceptional Case,从而增加被批准的概率。









        最后, 继续强调一下签证问题的重要性,并且保证只要签证问题解决,一定会来这所学校学习。




Dear Admissions Officers:


My name is Wang Lin and my ABCDE University Student No is 1234567. I have been given a conditional offer of acceptance by the Admissions Panel for admission into the MA in Industrial Relations and Managing Human Resources (MAIRMHR) at Warwick Business School. The offer is conditional because I have not been able to meet the 7.0 IELTS score requirement.

I have been taking repeated IELTS exams and my scores have remained at 6.0. Last week, I have taken yet another one and the score will be available by 20 August. I still doubt whether I would be able to reach the required 7.0 score. As the time is running out, there will be no chance left for me to take any further tests. Therefore, I would like to make a formal request to defer the offer until next academic year. That is to say, I hope that my place on the MA in Industrial Relations and Managing Human Resources (MAIRMHR) programme can be reserved. I wish to use the forthcoming year to improve my English and to sufficiently meet your English language requirement.

I know that the request can be granted only in exceptional cases. Nevertheless, I hope that you can take into consideration my determination to undertake your MA programme, as I have been making such tremendous efforts to take the IELTS tests again and again. My determination is exceptional and I love to study the MA programme, even though I have to make yet another year’s efforts to improve my English. Therefore, I hope that the admissions committee of the Business School can duly accept my request for the deference.

I would sincerely appreciate your kind replies.

Yours sincerely,
Wang Lin
Warwick Student No is 1257369

Dear Miss Lin,

ABCD University ID Number: 1234567

Thank you for informing us that you wish to defer our offer of a place, on the course
 detailed below, at The University of ABCDE.  I regret to inform you that the course
 selectors have not approved your request to change your start date.

In light of the above we have updated your application record to show that we do
 not expect you to attend. If you do wish to take up the place offered to start in
 October 2012 we need you to confirm with us that you are accepting your
 original offer by completing our response form at www.abcde.ac.
uk/go/pgofferresponse. You may, of course, restart the admissions process and
 apply for a later start date.  Please note, however, that there is no guarantee
 that you would receive an offer.

A reminder of the status of your original offer is included below:
Course code: P-N6P7
Course level: Degree of Master of Arts
Course title: Industrial Relations and Managing Human Resources
Mode of attendance: Full-Time
Start date: 01/Oct/20XX
Expected completion date: 30/Sep/20XX

Dear administrators at Regent:

I am a student from China and I have succeeded in obtaining conditional offers into two Master's programmes in the UK, one is International Business at ABCDE University and another is Human Resource Management at Warwick. However, they all require a minimum English language score of 7.0 in the IELTS test and, although I have taken several such tests, have failed to reach this requirement. I have applied for a reservation of my place on the programmes and I plan to use the following year preparing for the IELTS test. By search for the language schools in the UK, I have been lucky to find your school and I would like to register for a 23-week course for IELTS preparation.
The most important problem I face is how to apply for visa for entering the UK. I can ask, at least one of the universities, to issue me the relevant documents showing my acceptance into its programme and the reservation of my place. But I am afraid that such documents would not be sufficient for me to secure the visa. I would like to know whether your school could issue any valid documents to help me apply for the visa.  I plan to study in the UK for half a year and then return to China to take the IELTS test.
I have read your brochure very carefully and understand the fees information pretty well, but I am most concerned with the problem of visa application and if this problem can be worked out, I will not hesitate to register for your language course.

Of course, I am also very much concerned with improving my English proficiency as a whole and the IELTS score in particular. I hope you can provide the faculty and the course training (including test preparations) which can help me reach an ILETS score of 7.0. Of course, on my own part, I will study very hard, with a strong commitment. But I do hope that you have effective teaching and courses that can help fulfill my learning needs and goals.

I will be looking forward to your reply concerning how prospective students can obtain visa in order to study at your school. Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Wang Lin 

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