嘉文博译留学文书/MBA Essay Writing CASE SIX

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Essay 5

Why did you choose your current job? What do you find most fulfilling and most frustrating and what would you change? How do you hope to see your career progress over the 5 years following the MBA Programme? (500 words)

I chose my current job with an eye towards developing my long-term career. It was a natural progression for me to become involved in enterprise management as I realized that that was where I would experience the greatest sense of gratification and maturation as a businessman. My intense interest in technology grew out of childhood and had a lot to do with my family background, for my parents were both scientific and technical workers when I was young. My undergraduate and graduate studies all revolved around the field of science and technology. After graduation, I went to work for Japanese Fujitsu Ltd., where I took part in constructing the first semi-conductor product line in China.

After the line was successfully put into production, it was obvious that there was a problem. The production rate of our new line was 30% lower than that of the similar line in Japan. A detailed investigation revealed that the problem resulted from serious managerial problems on the Chinese side. This development was quite surprising and frustrating to me. I realized that despite the high technological development of our enterprise, without proper management techniques even the most highly developed companies cannot perform at the highest level. Meanwhile, I also learned that part of the problem was Fujitsu’s policy of promotion based solely on seniority. No matter how hard I tried or how well I performed, I could not be promoted any faster than any colleagues who began to work there before me. As I could see that my senior management ambitions would be frustrated, I gave up the excellent pay and conditions offered by Fujitsu and returned to China.

Upon my return to China, I became the CTO and COO of SVA Communications and was eventually promoted to general manager of the SVA Group. During this period, I have experienced rapid development in technological management, enterprise operation, and management control, and finally attained my goal of developing toward senior management. What greatly gratified me was that within only three years, my company gradually developed from a small team made up of a few people to a medium-scale enterprise with over two hundred staff members and around ten subsidiary companies in the country. What deserves mentioning is that I have cultivated a favorable and vibrant atmosphere while creating a team with harmonious interpersonal relations and an enterprising spirit.

After completing my MBA studies at LSB, I plan to work for two or three years at a prestigious international consulting enterprise, such as the McKinsey & Co., with the goal of changing from an enterprise general manager to a senior management consultant responsible for enterprise development. Within three to five years, I plan to combine what I have learned in the LBS MBA programme with my previous business experience to open my own consulting company in China. My long-term career goal is to help small and medium-sized Chinese enterprises to succeed in the international business environment, especially in the high-tech field with which I am most familiar.


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