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Harvard Essay 1: What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such? (600-word limit)
Enrolled in Tsinghua University—The Starting Point
As the top-ranked university, Tsinghua University is the dream university for more than 10 million Chinese students taking National College Entrance Examinations every year. My enrollment in Tsinghua not only testified to my distinguished scholastic aptitudes but also produced important ramifications far beyond academics itself.
The most important ramification is self-confidence. I developed an implicit faith in my potential to outperform my peers. The second is the pursuit of excellence by developing competitive edges. At Tsinghua, I interacted with the best minds of the country in a benign cycle of competition. I learned how to develop my potential by making utmost exertions. Still another crucial ramification is the broadening of my intellectual horizon. I had ample opportunities to listen to speeches by political leaders from around the world, including the president of the United States, and lectures, forums, conferences by leading domestic and international scholars and industry leaders. Finally, I became ambitious. Most Tsinghua graduates pursue graduate studies in leading American universities, acquiring international perspectives and experiences, developing the individual initiative as future leaders of a rapidly-changing world. With those critical qualities, I embarked on my journey of self-actualization.
Discontinuing my PhD at UIUC—The Turning Point
Five years after I obtained my Bachelor’s degree at Tsinghua, I was on the verge of completing my PhD in electrical engineering at UIUC. Despite my outstanding GPA and a highly successful qualifying exam, I discontinued my PhD. In doing so, I took a major risk in order to pursue my ambition.
I believed that, while engineers remain indispensible to our technology-dominated world, they are largely individual problem solvers. What our world truly needs are entrepreneurs and industry leaders capable of involving engineers in major programs. I believed I had the self-confidence, ambition, risk-taking spirit, and personal initiative to become a successful entrepreneur or industry leader. Although relinquishing my PhD degree, I knew all the academic training I had received would significantly boost my career development in China which was undergoing drastic technologic changes and innovations. I was determined to use my can-do mindset to effect transformational changes.
Having XXX Inc Listed on NASDAQ—The Pinnacle in my Career Heretofore
Another five years have passed and I have reached a pinnacle in my first-phase career development. I have been the co-founder, shareholder and part-time director of two companies, with registered capitals of 8 million USD and 15.8 million USD respectively. Those two startups develop and produce electrical power vehicles and power batteries for those vehicles. Thus, I have fulfilled my entrepreneurial aspirations.
In addition, from 09/20XX to 02/20XX, I worked at BET Technology Group, a leader in China’s FPD (Flat Panel Display) industry, rising from patent analyst through manager to senior manager, in charge of the company’s strategy and technology planning, business and technology investigations and analysis, and patent management. My most important career development has been working as the executive corporate secretary and then as vice president of Sinoxxxx Corporation, a fast expanding company in clean energy. I was responsible for the company’s Wall Street road show, leading to its listing on the NASDAQ in 20XX (NASDAQ: XXXX).
Those three major episodes of my personal and professional development are what I deem to be my most substantial accomplishments. Throughout my personal and professional development, I have always cherished a vision—about what kind of person I am, how I can fit into the industry, and how I can promote organizational growth with my knowledge, skills, and leadership. My 6-year professional career so far is just a beginning and the road ahead will be much more exciting.
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