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Harvard Essay 4: What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you?
I would like to discuss my career vision and its importance to me by making two case studies.
My previous employer, BET, is a pioneer among Chinese enterprises in enforcing internationalizing strategy. By acquiring Hyundai LCD of South Korea, BET succeeded in venturing into LCD industry. However, four years later, BET gave up the acquired equity. A multiplicity of factors contributed to the failure of this merger attempt, but the lack of an internationally compatible modern enterprise mechanism was the key.
By contrast, Lenovo Group, a Chinese multinational personal technology company, has become the world's second largest PC maker after its 20XX acquisition of IBM's personal computer business. With principal operations in Morrisville, North Carolina, Beijing, and Singapore, Lenovo has succeeded in its globalization objectives with an advanced modern enterprise mechanism, viewed by its chairman Mr. Liu Chuanzhi, as his most significant achievement which he believes will continue to ensure Lenovo’s continuous success in future.
In my 6 years of professional career, I have worked at multiple positions in different companies, allowing me to observe and scrutinize different patterns and mechanisms of operation of many Chinese enterprises struggling with their dilemmas between ambitious globalization objectives and absence of a sound modern enterprise mechanism. My current employer, Sinoxxxx Corporation (NASDAQ: XXXX), experienced an obvious decline in operation and management efficiency last year. As its vice president, I, along with other members of the top management, identified the lack of a modern enterprise mechanism, commensurate with its business pattern and fast expansion, as the essential reason for the decline.
Under such circumstances, my career vision is well-defined—the help improve and optimize Sinoxxxx‘s modern enterprise mechanism. This choice is significant to me for several compelling reasons. First, within the top management of Sinoxxxx, I am the sole member with 5 years of education in the United States, with important international experiences and perspectives. I deem myself as mission-bound—to promote Sinoxxxx’s globalization scheme and become a winning corporation in the international arena. Second, Sinoxxxx, as a leader in clean energy, will play a positive role, through its fast-paced expansion in the near future, in meeting the nation’s growing need for clean energy, which is part of the nation’s overall environmental campaign to deliver China’s commitment to addressing global climate change. Finally, my success of promoting Sinoxxxx’s international strategy will help establish an additional precedent that many other struggling Chinese enterprises can emulate.
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