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Harvard Essay 3: Tell us about a time when you made a difficult decision.
Six years ago, with an excellent GPA of 3.733, I passed PhD qualifying exam at UIUC. If nothing went amiss, within a year or two, I would earn my PhD degree and reach the pinnacle as a student. But in the wake of the exam, I announced my decision to discontinue the PhD program. My advisor, instructors and friends thought I was crazy. For weeks, I was afflicted by a guilty conscience.
Admittedly, relinquishing my PhD program constituted a serious breach of faith. Searching into the innermost recesses of my mind, I tried to find a rationale, identifying the force so powerful as to make me deviate from a career path which a decade-long higher education had prepared me for.
I realized there was obviously a conflict between interest and value. Studying EE was just my academic interest, a possible preparation for career, but not an end in itself. I also had my value—to achieve full self-actualization by tapping all my latent potential. One’s interests can vary at different phases of life, but one’s value remains constant throughout one’s lifetime. As a matter of fact, both my decade-long pursuit of academic excellence and my seemingly impulsive decision of relinquishing my PhD. Program were driven by that value.
There is nothing wrong with being an electrical engineer. Steve Jobs was first and foremost an engineer. But to remember Jobs as an engineer is to belittle him. We remember him as a leader, the mastermind and architect of the world’s most technologically and socially valued corporation. Studying EE at the doctoral level, I knew modern engineering has become far more complicated. Engineers should no longer be solitary problem-solvers but aspire to be managers of major engineering programs. I had implicit faith in my potential to be a leader and manager, involving many people including engineers in major undertakings. Discontinuing my PhD was an act of responding to a calling, from innermost recesses of my soul, to that mission of maximizing my potential.
My resolute answering to this calling has shaped the person I am—co-founder and director of two hi-tech/new energy companies, senior manager of BET Technology Group, and vice president of Sinoxxxx Corporation (NASDAQ: XXXX). After all, what I relinquished was just a PhD degree, not my EE knowledge or expertise. In fact, my extended engineering training is precisely what has made me a business leader in those technology/engineering-dominated corporations.
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