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Stanford Essay 2-Compulsory:
What are your career aspirations? What do you need to learn at Stanford to achieve them? (450 words)
The moment I decided to discontinue my PhD program, I was determined to take my destiny into my own hands by becoming an entrepreneur. Now, as co-founder and director of two hi-tech/new energy companies and as vice president of the NASDAQ-listed Sinoxxx Corporation, I have been partially fulfilling my entrepreneurial aspirations, and my ambition has kept growing.
My ultimate career aspiration is to develop one of the two companies I have co-founded or to create a new one and then turn it into a listed company. With 7 years of professional experiences and having contributed to Sinoxxx’s listing on NASDAQ, including organizing its Wall Street Road Show, I know that my ambition is totally feasible, because I know the industry well enough.
But I still face important challenges—the strategies and the management, all in the pattern of a thriving international company. Undertaking my graduate studies for 5 years in the United States, I believe the time has come for the emergence of a new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs with international perspectives, capable of managing their enterprises according to state-of-art international standards and practices. Some Japanese companies like Honda or Toyota, which started as oriental corporations with oriental corporate culture but have soon become internationalized in management pattern, could be the model of my envisioned company.
Although I have important practical managerial experiences, obviously, those experiences are discrete, fragmented, and project-specific. The underlying reason is that I haven‘t had systematic training in modern management theory and practices, as befitting a company operating in international management standards. For this, I need to learn the knowledge and skills in the following areas, among other things: Emerging Venture Opportunities, Business Models, Innovation & Strategy, Organization Behavior, Next Generation Enterprise, and Approaches to Managing Technology. What the MBA program can do is to capitalize on my past management and leadership experiences and furnish me with a comprehensive conceptual framework of business administration as an academic discipline, impart to me the knowledge by the most leaned professors who have insights into the issues facing the business world and present-day enterprises, and expose me to real-world cases of successful entrepreneurial undertakings which I can emulate. In a nutshell, my envisioned MBA program will help abridge the gap that I face as a result of my lack of any management education.
In seeking to enter Stanford GSB, I am not merely interested in MBA concepts and skills that most business schools teach, varying only in depth and breadth. I am looking for a qualitative catalyst characteristic of Stanford MBA—that transforming power that can turn me from a self-made entrepreneur into a Stanford-made entrepreneur, through the Stanford Dynamic—Critical & Analytical Thinking, Personal Leadership Development, and Creativity & Innovative Spirit. As a Stanford-made entrepreneur, I will undergo a defining metamorphosis—an entrepreneur guided by the quintessential research findings and experiences of generations of world-class professors who have the most and the best to say about management as a science and an art. I will be looking forward, not to just skills, but to life-changing wisdom, which I see as the ultimate value of any MBA education.
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