
In Oriental Civilization
关键词:传播学 传播者 受众(aud ience) 受众理论 社会学 心理学 两极传播论
传播是一切进步的开始。在古老的东方文明的发展史中,传播有其重要的贡献和不可磨灭的价值和地位。然而由于历史条件和文化环境的不同,传播在不同社会时代的表现方式是不同的。中国文化自古以来强调传播中的含蓄,这种以谦为美的社会价值观,注重“点到为止”。所谓“桃李不言,下自成蹊”,“君子敏于行,而讷于言”。因此在古代社会造就了一种含蓄的传播模式,在彼此的沟通中,重身体力行而轻言传,很多思想和理念就是在不言自明的沟通规则下进行传播的。然而现代社会的快节奏和大信息量的特点,让人们的价值观趋向于更重视传播中的高时效,这就要求一种及时,准确,让大多数人一目了然的传播方式。古代的这种含蓄传播自然让位于现代社会的最为普遍的大众传播,它也成为所有传播方式中的主流。但是,长期以来, 这种流行的大众传播把媒介和受众的关系本末倒置了。媒介被视为传播中至高无上的权威,可以把“各种各样的思想、感情、知识或动机从一个人的头脑里几乎不知不觉的灌输到另一个人的头脑里”①,受众成了被媒介所操纵的“媒介奴仆”,在传播学中的地位很卑微。这种不重视受众在传播中的地位和作用观念不仅误导了传播学的理论,而且给传播实践带来了很大的危害。
首先社会学理论的导入拓展了受众研究的视野。整个社会无时无刻不处在传播当中,传播涉及到人类社会的一切领域,涉及到一切社会活动。传播学的受众研究,自然离不开社会学的影响,如在媒介管理(media management)的受众分析,在把握受众细分市场特征时,必须从对地理因素、人口统计、心理倾向、生活方式和媒介使用类型这些社会概念与变量的研究中,才能准确地发现受众市场与这些因素的内在联系。此外,受众对媒介反应的差异还取决于媒介环境的因素,包括政治、文化、法律和宗教等。不同的媒介环境所形成的受众特质是不同的,反过来受众特质又会影响媒介的传播方式。受众对媒介的接受方式、认知能力、动机和态度,无不受到媒介环境的制约和影响。例如,在一个封闭的、具有宗教狂热的社会中,受众往往具有很大的盲从性。二战中的德国即是典型的一例③。超越具体的社会历史条件而谈媒介对受众的绝对的影响力,显然是一种主观片面的看法。
心理学正是在对社会行为的沟通和互动的研究中,为受众理论提供了丰富的基础理论知识,并渗透到传播学各具体的研究领域,对受众理论的发展起到了积极的促进作用。在受众理论中,两级传播论的提出和确立是传播学先驱拉扎斯费尔德对传播学的重要理论贡献。拉扎斯费尔德在研究大众媒介的影响时发现,大众媒介并没有直接对大多数受众产生影响。事实上只是一小部分比较活跃的经常接触大众媒介的受众,在接受了媒介的信息后,再通过他们的人际传播来影响更多的受众。这些在形成公众舆论中起到引导和影响作用的人,被拉扎斯费尔德称之为“意见领袖”(opinion leader)。传播学之父施拉姆对“两级传播”的解释是:“概念往往从无线电广播和报刊流向舆论界的领导人,然后再从这些人流向人口中不那么活跃的部分”⑤。在两级传播中,第一级是媒介把信息传递给特殊的受众——意见领袖;第二级再从意见领袖通过人际传播把信息传递给大多数的受众。两级传播理论揭示了传播并非总是呈现着简单的线性过程。受众所受到的传播影响具有多层次性和复杂性,往往有大众传播和人际传播的共同作用。只有充分调动受众的主观能动性和创造性,传播才能充分发挥其效能。受众无法与媒介实现双向互动的交流,受众的传播潜能会受到了很大的抑制。所以大众传播对受众而言是有很大的局限性的。大众媒介的所短正是人际传播的所长。大众媒介与人际传播的优势互补,犹如原子裂变原理一样,其能量能得到最充分的释放。
注:①转引自戴元光等著《传播学原理与应用》,兰州大学出版社1988年版,第258页。②威尔伯·施拉姆等:《传播学概论》,新华出版社1984年版,第161页。 周晓虹等:《现代社会心理学》,江苏人民出版社1991年版,第273页。 余也鲁:《传媒·信息与人———传学概论》(威尔伯·施拉姆著)代序,中国展望出版社1985年版。责任编辑:宋全成 ③ 展江等著《新闻与战争》,上海人民出版社1991年版,第236页。④ 丹尼斯·麦奎尔、斯文·温德尔:《大众传播模式论》,上海译文出版社1987年版,第134、47、5页。⑤ 施拉姆《传播学概论》,陈亮等译,新华出版社1984年版,第130页。 |
Key Words: communication disseminator audience
Communication is the start of any progress of the society. In the development history of the old oriental civilization, communication has played an important role. However, because of different historical conditions and cultural circumstances, the manifestation of communication in different society is quite different. Since remotest times, Chinese culture stresses on the connotation of communication, a concept of value that advocates modesty and implication, what is called “peaches and plums do not have to talk, yet the world beats a path to them” and “the gentlemen are speedy as a worker and cautious as a speaker”. Therefore, in ancient times, the mode of communication is quite implicit. Under these circumstances, people would like to set an example by personally taking part and never make reckless words. Many thoughts and ideas are disseminated under a self-evident communication rules. However, nowadays the pace of life is increasing with large amount of information. People’s values attach more importance to the quick and efficient communication, which requires for a timely, accurate and explicit propagation mode. The old connotation communication in ancient times is replaced by the popular public communication in modern society and it becomes the mainstream of all the propagation modes. However, the popular public communication has the order reversed for medium and audience for a long time. The medium is regarded as the sovereign authority of communication and it can “instill all sorts of ideas, feelings, knowledge or motivation into other people’s mind unconsciously”①. The audience becomes “medium servant” controlled by the media and it is placed in inferior position in dissemination. The neglect of the significance and function of the audience in communication not only misguides the theory of dissemination, but also jeopardize the communication practices.
According to the viewpoints of social psychology, communication is an interactive course of social behavior with the use of the information transmission. Just as what G Burglah (G?格伯纳) said before, communication is “the information interaction in the society”. In this course of mutual communication, the information appears as a dynamic balance of coding---transmission---decryption---feedback. In fact, communication is dialectical and consistent with the medium, disseminator and audience. Each party plays an active and significant role in communication. The research of the social psychology shows that, the disseminator acts as a role of “doorkeeper” of the media. “Doorkeeper” is a vivid description and it indicates that the selector and investigator of information exist in all links of the communication. “In the information network, there are so many reviewers, including the reporters, who confirm what kind of facts can be published and what can be put away; the writers, who decide to report the people and the incidents; the editors of the publishing house, who determine the works of the writers to be published, etc”. ②The concept of “doorkeeper” contains a basic idea of social psychology, that is to say, as a social member, his behavior is sure to be influenced by his immanent subjective understanding such as ideology, values and so on, and it does not proceed from the interests of the audience. Therefore, the audience will not accept the media without reservation. With different propagation background, the audience has different attitude and comments on different media and information, either accepting it or partly accepting it, or spurning it, or criticizing it. In short, the audience will have completely different reaction of it. So we must realize that the audience is an important concept of communication in the interaction of propagation. The audience is a general term of all audiences, spectators and readers in the propagation activities. It is the embracer of information and the object of communication and it is the core of the information feedback. The effect of propagation should be judged according to the reaction of the audience. Thus, the audience is key of the success or failure of the propagation activities. It is an important task for us to lay emphasis on the significance of the audience and strengthen the research and cognition of audience theory both in the aspects of the theory and the practice.
The audience theory has a special position in the whole process of communication and it is a hot spot in communication. Many theories about communication are actually the theories about the audience, i.e., the communication is constructed with the core of the audience, especially for the theories about propagation effect, which all center on audience analysis. The audience theory is very important. The famous scholar and professor Shao Peiren says: “The audience is the target of information transmission. It is an important factor of information transmission and it is the premise and prerequisites of the existence of propagation process. The audience is the ‘display’ of the effect of communication, and it is qualified valuator of professional disseminator. Without the reaction and comments of the audience, the efficiency and effect of mass media cannot be fully reflected. The reason why the audience theory becomes an independent research subject in communication is objectively relevant with the development of the theory and practice of interrelated subjects, which provide powerful theoretical weapon and broad theoretical view for the formation of audience theory.
Firstly, the introduction of sociology theory expands the research of the audience. Communication occurs in the society all the time and it concerns about all social fields and social activities. The audience study in communication also cannot be separated from sociology. For example, in the audience analysis of media management, in order to grasp the characteristics of the audience segment market, we can only find the correct interrelations between the audience market and such factors as geographical factors, vital statistics, mental tendency, life style and media type, etc. In addition, the different reaction of the audience for media is also determined by environmental factors, including politics, culture, law and religion, etc. The special characteristics of the audience caused by different medium environment are different; on the contrary, the characteristics of the audience influence the propagation mode of the media. The acceptance mode, cognition capability, motivation and attitude of the audience to the media are restricted and influenced by the medium environment. For example, in a closed society with a fever of region, the audiences usually follow blindly. Germany in World War II is just a typical example③. It is so subjective and unilateral to talk about the absolute influence of media to the audience regardless of specific social and historical conditions.
The development of audience theory closely links with the study of psychology. Ever since it came into being in 1890’s, it is comparatively mature in theory after a hundred years’ development, especially for the occidental psychology that attaches importance to experimental research. The psychology should study on the interaction of social behavior and the relation among people. It should carry out profound and comprehensive study on the questions about communication and lay a wide and solid knowledge base for the formation of communication. With the perfection and application of the basic theory of psychology, the audiences are stimulated to make a study on the difference of motivation, demands, attitude and individual traits; whereas the motivation demands, attitude and individual traits of the audience determine the selection, acceptance and reaction to the media.
Take “theory of individual discrepancy” as an example. It emphasizes the interaction of the information provided by media and the individual traits of the audience, and it also analyzes the individual discrepancy of the audience from the aspects of individual psychological structure, innate factors, life habit, individual attitude as well as the values and the faith. It shows that the audiences are not the sheep. They have their own opinions about the things and they will have different reaction for the propagation content because of different character, which is distinct with the viewpoint that the people believing in “theory of bullet” take the audience as “target”. Clarb(克拉珀) pointed out that the audience will have selective acceptance of the information and have selective cognition and memory. The selection course is based on the psychologist Phistingle(费斯汀格)’s theory of cognition maladjustments. People would like to accept the information consistent with their own opinions and attitude and reject the information that does not conform to their own opinions and attitude in order to keep the coordination state of cognition. Because once the cognition is imbalance, the individual will have “comfortless feeling in psychology”, that’s why people try to avoid the incoordinate state. As the audience, the effective way of this is to avoid and reject the information not consistent with their own opinions through selective acceptance, selective cognition and selective memory.
However, the “theory of social category” in the study of the audience takes the audience group as the unit to investigate the reaction of the audience in social group to the media. The “theory of social category” thinks that the audience can be divided into different “social groups” according to different classification standard such as gender, age and educational background, and the mass media can select and transmit the information according to the characteristics of different social groups. American scholars Mr. And Mrs. Nairy(赖利) study on this for a long time. In Mass media And Social System, they describe the role of basic group and reference group in the communication cause. According to their opinions, the basic group and the reference group will guide the selection, understanding and reaction of the audience.④ As a member of the group, the group and the group criterion restrict the acceptance of the information to some extent. Thus the propagation that is consistent with the criterion of the audience group can satisfy the audience, whereas the audience cannot accept the propagation inconsistent with the group criterion.
Psychology provided abundant basic theoretical knowledge for the theory of audience in the study of the communication and interaction of social behavior, it concerns with all research fields of communication, and it plays a positive role for the development of the theory of audience. In the theory of audience, bipolar diffusionism is the most important theory first brought forward by Lazarspheld(拉扎斯费尔德), the pioneer of communication. In his study of the mass media, he found that the mass media does not directly influence most of the audience. In fact, only a few of the audience that always pay attention to the mass media will accept the information, and then they will influence more audience through interpersonal media. Those people who guides and act on public opinion are called as “opinion leader” by Lazarspheld(拉扎斯费尔德). Founder of communication, Welber Slarm(威尔伯·施拉姆), has given a clear description of “bipolar diffusionism”: “the idea is transmitted through the leaders of radio broadcasting, newspapers and periodicals to the people who are not active in public communication”⑤. In bipolar diffusionism, the first step is the media transmit the information to special audience---opinion leader; and then the opinion leader will transmit the information to most audiences by means of interpersonal media. It reveals the multilevel and complicacy of the communication, not a simple linear process. The mass media and the interpersonal media all contribute to it. Only when the initiative and creativity of the audience is mobilized, can the communication attain the anticipated effect. If the audience cannot have mutual and interactive communication with the media and the propagation potential of the audience will be greatly restricted. Thus the mass media have limitation on the audience. However, the interpersonal media can make up for the shortcoming of mass media, and they are complementary and interpenetrating, just like the theory of atomic fission, where the energy is fully released.
With the development of communication, various theories of the audience come into being. They reflect the significance of the audience in information transmission from different angles. The propagation is the course to satisfy the demands of the audience and it is also the course to arouse the participation and creativity of the audience. When the audience accepts the information, the mass media play a significant role. The audience will have different opinions and attitude for information based on mass media. It influences and restricts the re-propagation of the information through interpersonal media. The propagation of the audience is usually penetrating with strong pertinency and it further integrates the information of the mass media. Therefore, nowadays with the rapid development of mass media, the study of the audience is very significant for the development of the theory of communication, and it also has tremendous historical significance for the development of transnational communication.
Note: ②Welber Slarm(威尔伯·施拉姆),
et al: An Introduction of Communication, Xinhua Publishing
House, P161. Zhou Xiaohong, et al: Modern Social Psychology,
Jiangsu Renmin Publishing House, 1991, P273. Yu Yelu: the
preface of Media, Information And Human Being---An Introduction
of Communication (written by Welber Slarm威尔伯·施拉姆), China Zhanwang
Publishing House, 1985, responsible editor: Song Quancheng. |
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