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北美留学申请核心竞争力报告 |
范例-5 (本文申请者该人民大学附中国际班高三学生,申请UPENN大学的Undergraduate Program in Business, Mass Media & Entrepreneurship,其母亲为人大的博士导师) |
UPenn Essay-2: Ben Franklin once said, 'All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.' Which are you?
“In less than five or six minutes, your dream will come true.” I murmured to myself, heading toward the post office whose sight around the corner was blurred only by huge snowflakes smashing into my face. In the Northern city of Beijing, it snows heavily, especially in the Christmas week. Trudging along in deep snow and clutching tight the money inside my pocket, I felt my hearted pounding with excitement, every step bringing me ever closer to the dream.
70,000RMB, equivalent to 11,000 US dollars, never before in my life had I ever laid my hands on such a huge sum of money! It was the hard-earned money of the 3-month online charity sale by our “Dream Come True” team. I initiated the fundraising project not long after I was elected vice president of the Student Union of my senior high school, responsible for organizing charity and volunteers activities. In the process, I came to read a touching story about Sun Xuguang, a top Chinese gymnast who, having won national championship, trained hard in order to secure an international championship. But excessive training resulted in a series of irremediable injuries which forced him to retire. Even in dire poverty, he still cherished the dream of becoming a gymnastics coach to produce future talents who could succeed where he had failed.
Having remitted money to Sun, my teammates and I relished in our achievement. But our joy did not last long. As London Olympics approached, we kept reading tragic stories—the long-distance runner Guo Ping having two feet severely deformed and suing her former coach, and another gymnast Zhang Shangbin begging by performing his former championship winning stunts and selling his gold medals. Tears would well up in my eyes whenever I read and watched those and many other stories, not only about athletes, but also about other talented people with unfulfilled dreams.
“Dear Tyra Banks, I am a big fan of your show. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know me; the most important thing is that I know you and love your show. I’m no ordinary fan of yours, but one with a big idea and a big plan.”
It is the same Christmas week here in Beijing, snowing heavily as usual. Once again, I headed toward the post office, my eyes blurred and snow as deep. This year, instead of the cash, I was carrying my “Dream Come True” Business Proposal, to be sent to my American idol, Tyra Banks.
“In less than five to six years, I expect to establish my ‘Dream Come True’ studio, which will strictly emulate your show’s guiding principle—that the winners are not to be picked in accordance with the conventional criteria. That’s why I so appreciate your way of selecting the next top model—with your open norms of beauty and the value of diversity, people with their distinctive qualities, life experiences and aspirations, whether short or tall, fat or thin, pretty or plain, would have the chance to win and succeed, especially those from the unprivileged classes of society.
My plan is to stage a similar show, ‘Dream Come True Talent Show’ you might call it, committed to picking the talents from people of unfulfilled dreams, like Sun Xue, Guo, and Zhang whom I have described in the opening chapter of my Proposal. My show will be oriented toward those individuals who have a great story and real ambitions, yet unwilling to succumb to mediocrity and destiny, so that by distinguishing themselves through my show they will find their proper places in the society and have normal human life with decent dignity like everybody else. “
I put my 100-page proposal addressed to Tyra Banks into the postbox outside the post office, feeling that this time I am really getting close to my dream. For nearly one year, I have been studying every detail in each of Tyra Banks shows and designing my own show, assimilating useful features from Tyra Banks’ show and also introducing innovative features of my own. In the process, I have developed my own career plan—to create my own studio, become a TV hostess like Tyra Banks, and run a program as successful as “American Next Top Model”. This will be my unswerving purpose which I will pursue single-mindedly.
“Dear Tyra, to translate my dream into reality, I am now applying for UPenn where I want to study mass media, communication and entrepreneurship. During vacations, I expect to join your team as an intern and learn how the entire show is operated. Meanwhile, I will be looking forward to discussing my Proposal with you and learning of your suggestions for improvement.
Dear Tyra, if you have read my stories about Sun, Guo and Zhang, you won’t fail to be impressed that they represent the people who truly deserve a chance. And to imagine that there are 1.3 billion people in China, don’t you think that there should be someone who will act and act now? Yangyang XXX a person who takes the move ” |
Ben Franklin曾经说过,“全体人类可分成三大类别,其一是不动者,其二是可动者,其三是动者。”请问,你属于其中哪一类人?
“亲爱的Tyra Banks,我是你真人秀节目的大粉丝。你不认识我,这无关紧要,关键是,只要我认识你、喜爱你节目就行。但我并非是您一般的粉丝,而是一个有着庞大构法和庞大计划的粉丝。” 这是北京迎来的又一个圣诞季,像往年一样,依然是大雪纷飞。我又一次朝着邮局走去,视线被漫天飞舞的雪花弄得模糊不清,大雪还是深至膝盖。今年,我怀揣着的不再是一大把现金,而是厚厚一本“梦想成真”企划书,要寄给我的美国偶像,Tyra Banks。
我将厚达百页、指定由Tyra Banks签收的企划书投进邮局外的邮筒里,心里直觉得,这一次我离我的梦想真得是那么的近。在近一年的时间里,我不断研究Tyra Banks所有选秀节目的每个细节,设计我自己的选秀节目,借鉴Tyra Banks节目中有用的桥段,同时也融入我自己的原创情节。在此过程中,我自己的职业规划也初步成形——创立我自己的工作室,成为一个像Tyra Banks那样的电视主持人,运作着像《全美超模新秀大赛》那样成功的电视节目。我将对这一目标矢志不渝,心无旁涉,直至成功。
亲爱的Tyra ,倘若你读了我所描述的有关孙、郭和张的故事,你肯定会留下深刻的印象,即他们代表着真正需要获得一个机会的那类群体。试想,在有着十三亿人口的中国,你不认为需要有一个人能行动起来为他们做些什么,并且是立刻地行动起来吗?
Yangyang XXX 一个起而行动的人” |
北京市海淀区中关村北大街151号 北京大学燕园大厦536室 电话:(010)-62968808 / (010)-13910795348 钱老师咨询邮箱:qian@proftrans.com 24小时工作热线:13910795348 版权所有 北京嘉文博译教育科技有限责任公司 嘉文博译翻译分公司 备案序号:京ICP备05038804号 |