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北美留学申请核心竞争力报告 |
范例-6 (本文申请者为新加坡美国中学高中生,其父亲为中海油交易员; 该学生申请Cornell) |
Essay: Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. “
“Do you regret the decision you made? Is it worthwhile doing what you are doing?” I asked myself, in an isolated corner of the campus. The hearty laughter of my classmates came through, highlighting my solitude and melancholy.
On the very first day of 20XX, I arrived in Singapore from Beijing China, as a mid-year transfer student in the 9th grade (second semester) at Singapore American School (SAS). However, the all-English teaching environment seemed disorientating, although I had been learning English since primary school. At SAS, I could catch only a small fraction of what was been taught, especially in the biology course, rendering impossible my active participation in group discussions.
“Can you become an integral part of the student community and prove yourself not an ugly duckling but the beautiful swan?” I kept asking myself. Since 4th grade in primary school, I was the 1% student, honored as “Outstanding of Beijing Municipality” among millions of school students. Now, faced with unprecedented pressure, I doubted whether I could ever become an elite student capable of adding credit to SAS.
In my frustration, my parents gave me love and care. I realized transcending the status quo and plunging into new environment is a necessary condition during one’s growing-up. It is as if one must surmount many slopes and ridges before reaching the summit of a high mountain. Overcoming any single obstacle along the way would constitute a sublimation of both the mind and the soul.
To be courageous was my solution. No longer ashamed of broken sentences and grammatical errors, I focused solely on communicating with whomever around me. To improve listening comprehension, I watched all varieties of English TV programs at home, trying to experience English as actually used in daily life. Sometimes, failing to understand, I would be so frustrated that tears came into my eyes. But my determination was not to be shattered. I kept persisting.
As my English kept improving, my academic performance soared. My 3.60 GPA in the 9th grade was an achievement in itself, considering that I was still orientating myself. With the full exploiting of my scholastic potential, my GPA reached 4.08 and 4.27 in the 10th and 11th grade. My mathematics talents made me SAS Champion of 10th Grade in Mendobroit Math Competition, Tier 2 in Western Region of America while my SAT-I and SAT-II scores (2280 and 2390 respectively) fully demonstrate my distinguished scholastic aptitudes. In the 11th grade, my academic initiative motivated me, by special permission from the chancellor, to take an extra course despite the already heavy workload of 7 courses, among which 5 are Advanced Placement courses in which I scored straight A’s.
By far, my greatest achievement lies in my growth as a person. I have not only adapted myself to a totally new environment and the American way of education but also won many friends with my lively and easy-going personality. I have learned to appreciate cultural diversity, understand different views, make compromises, and become loving and caring. Moreover, I have become a true contributor to student community. As key figure in the school’s dancing and chorus troupe, I was the soloist at SAS Christmas Concert. Most importantly, I have become truly independent—when my parents had to work back in Beijing, I resolutely chose to remain in Singapore by staying at a local boarding school.
Now, with my 1% academic performance and all-round personal development, I feel proud for having risked plunging myself boldly into a challenging environment. Through an agonizing process of self-struggle, I have prevented myself from degrading into an ugly duckling but have instead grown into a beautiful swan — my true self— ready to ascend into a higher realm.
(616 words) |
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
20XX年1月,我父亲被任命为中航油驻新加坡的原油交易员,我们举家从中国北京迁往新加坡城,我则成为九年级第二学期的期中转校生(a mid-year transfer student in the 9th second semester)就读于新加坡美国学校(Singapore American School,SAS)。然而,纯英语的教学环境令我措手不及。虽然我在国内自小学起一直接受英语听、说、读、写的训练,但一直没有用英语来进行课堂教学。在SAS,老师课堂所讲授的内容,尤其是生物课,我只能听到很少的一部分,更不用说积极地参与课堂讨论了。课外,语言障碍使得我很难与同学和老师交流。
在SAS最初的2个月中,我一遍又一遍地自问着这些问题。我父母对我表达出了深切的关爱,给我勇气与力量,使我意识到,超越现状(status quo), 投身于一个新环境是一个人成长过程中不可或缺的一步。这仿佛是,为了攀登到高山之巅,你首先必须征服无数个山坡和山岭。前进道路上对任何一个障碍的克服,都是一次智力与情感上的升华。
我知道勇敢面对(being bold)是征服挑战的唯一解决之道。为了提高听力,回家里后我观看大量各种类型英语电视节目,以便体验现实中所实际说的真实的英语,而不是原来那种录制在磁带上发音标准、语速缓慢的英语。听不懂时,我会焦急(frustrated)得直哭,但即使泪流满面,我仍然坚持着听。为了练习口头交流,我不再羞耻于自己不连贯(broken)的句子和连串的语法错误。课堂发言中由于语言失误而引发同学的哄笑,也无法摧毁我的自信和决心。听和说成为我每天生活的主要内容。我知道,能懂得他人在说什么,以及能让他人懂得我在说什么,这是能将我与外界联系起来的唯一途径。
随着我整体语言能力的提高,我的课业表现不断改善。9th年级第二学期,我的GPA为3.60,这对于一个适应期来说已属不错的成就。并且,一旦我语言上变得proficient,我的全部学习潜能得以充分发挥,10th和11th年级的GPA直线上升,分别为4.08和4.27。我在数学方而的天赋使我成为新加坡美国学校十年级Mendobroit 数学竞赛冠军 (SAS Champion of 10th Grade in Mendobroit Math Competition), 美国西北地区联赛第二等(Tier 2 in Western Region of America)。我的SAT-I和SAT-II成绩(分别为2280和2390)也充分证明了我高人一筹的学理能力. 11年级时, 我的学习积极性更令我经校长特批,在7门繁重课业的情况下加修了一门课,并且在其中的5门Advanced Placement课程中全部获得5分的高分。
然而,我最大的成就在于我作为一个个人的成长经历。我不仅仅很快地适应了一个全新的学习环境和纯美国式的教学体制,而且,我原来活泼开朗的性格很快就为我赢得了许多好朋友。我学会了欣赏文化多样性,理解他人不同的看法,在发生利益冲突时善于妥协,在他人有难时充满关爱和乐于助人。非但如此,我还全力为我所在的这个学生群体贡献我的才华。我成为校舞蹈团和合唱队的主要成员,在SAS 圣诞音乐会充当独唱。最为重要的是,我独立能力越来越强。当我父母在我十年级期间必须回中国工作时,我毅然选择了留在SAS,在当地的一个寄宿学校独立生活。
现在,凭藉我在SAS学校 1%的学业表现和课外的全面个人发展(all-round development),我深为自己当初敢于冒险、义无反顾地投入到一个极具挑战性的新环境中而自豪。我克服了自己的胆怯(diffidence)和自卑。在经历了一个痛苦的自我挣扎过程后, 我没让自己沉沦为丑小鸭,而是蜕变为属于我本我的美天鹅,准备着腾飞至一个更高的境界。 |
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