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北美留学申请核心竞争力报告 |
范例-9 (本文申请者原为北大附中学生,赴加拿大读大一,又以freshman申请美国Michigan大学) |
Essay One: Author Robert Pirsig suggests science has traditionally concerned itself with truth, while art has concerned itself with beauty. How might these two endeavors be the same? How might they be irreconcilably different? 作家Robert Pirsig指出,传统上科学一直关注真理,而艺术则关注美。这两种努力如何能够殊途同归?他们如何又有可能大相径庭,水火不容? |
The impulse toward truth and the impulse toward beauty are both indispensable to human beings. It was precisely those two essential impulses that have given rise to the creation of science and of art. A perfect example of the indispensability of those two impulses is Albert Einstein who is at once a physicist and a violinist, or Leonardo Da Vinci who is a painter as well as an “aircraft” designer.
Science and art emerged as endeavors to answer man’s external and internal needs. Man lives in two cosmoses, one physical and one spiritual. What distinguishes man from animal is that he knows and needs to know about the physical world. This necessity to know about the physical world postulates that science must be concerned with the “hard” facts— the truth— of the physical reality. Hence science is necessarily pragmatic and utilitarian. Yet, while exploring the physical world, man also feels the need to express himself, to explore his emotions and feelings, and to seek spiritual comfort. In art he finds the satisfaction of those needs. Art does not fulfill any ulterior purposes but simply aims at man’s self-amusement. And nothing can delight man better than beauty; hence, strictly speaking, art is not linked with any utilitarian or materialistic interests. Art is aesthetic, contemplative, and disinterested, or in the words of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment, art is characterized by “purposiveness without a purpose.”
However, as human endeavors, science and art share essential similarities. They are not necessarily reciprocally repulsive. Under certain circumstances, elements employed by science to seek scientific truth are assimilated into artistic creations and vice versa. For instance, people used to assume that the frenzy of inspiration are fundamental to art. However, in actual creative processes, the intuition and self-expression must be controlled by law and by the intellectual power of putting things into harmonious order. It was necessary to master certain laws and to use intellect to build Gothic cathedrals and to apply linear perspective and anatomy in order to create pictorial works of art (in this instance we recall the anatomic drawings by Da Vince). On the other hand, we have seen too many scientific designs which look like perfect works of art. American space shuttles, vehicles for scientific missions, display all the formal properties of an artwork—the symmetry, the curve, the shape, and the composition. Engineers use their non-verbal and visual thinking, characteristic of artistic activity, to have created some of the greatest works of art in human history. The space shuttles exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics, but because they were first a picture in the minds of those who built them. Thus, we can conclude that whether in scientific or in artistic quests, the underlying forces are essentially the same—imagination, creativity, and passion.
We should not posit science and art as absolute polarities. Instead, scientific and artistic modes of thinking are mutually enriching. The realization of the fruitfulness of thinking across different fields has led to creation of interdisciplinary studies and a student may properly achieve balanced intellectual development through the pursuit both in science and in art. (523 words)
因此,我们不应将科学与艺术设定为两个大相径庭的两个极端。相反,科学的思维模式和艺术的思维模式是相辅相成、相得益彰的。由于意识到跨越不同领域的思想模式的有效性,人们已创建了交叉学科研究。作为一个学生,可以通过对科学和艺术的双重追求,恰如其分地实现平衡的智力发展。 |
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