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北美留学申请核心竞争力报告 |
范例-14 (本文申请者汇佳学生,其父为国内著名建筑设计师,申请美国Stanford University转学) |
Select a quote or saying that is particularly meaningful to you, and comment on its significance.
The quote that is particularly meaningful to me comes from the poem written by the American poet Robert Frost who lived from 1874 to 1963. The poem consists of 20 lines and the last three lines are the most revealing:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I would interpret the poem as delivering a message concerning making a difficult choice between two alternatives—one is easier and safer as it is familiar to us whereas the other one is less attempted at and hence more perilous, risky and challenging. The quote is particularly meaningful to me because it articulates an essential truth about facing a necessary challenge of our life with determination and a strong will, an act that will produce far-reaching impact on the meaning of our lifelong pursuit.
Throughout our lifetime, we are faced with the necessity to makes choices. To a great extent, the kind of choice we make determines the nature and meaning of our existence. The greater the difficulty of the choice, the greater the value such a choice gives to our lives. The satisfaction we derive from a lifetime depends on how high we set our objectives and choose our difficulties.
My present decision to transfer to Stanford University is largely inspired by this poem of Robert Frost. It is true that for more than one year now I have become fairly comfortable with my education at Columbia College, Canada, which has added importantly to my senior middle school education in China and has exposed me to an enlightening North American education and to some international experiences. However, it is regretful and even disappointing to notice that the curriculum offered by Columbia College is rather narrow, unable to allow for broad perspectives. The instructors have all been quite dedicated, yet what they teach is very rudimentary, failing to reach sufficient depth. Finally, although Canada is one of the most important advanced western countries, only the United States is the center of the international community and my determination to acquire international perspectives can best be fulfilled in the United States. As an Oriental, the development of international perspectives during my most formative years of life will produce a profound effect on the course of my life.
By transferring to Stanford, I hope to make a choice that can make all the difference. As a matter of fact, over the past five years, I have been making a succession of choices that can introduce changes into my education and into the course of my life. Looking back on the two major choices that I have made, I find that they are indicative of my increasing intellectual maturity.
During my senior middle school life back in China where education is largely test-oriented, most of my fellow students chose to merely concentrate on their academic study at the expense of actively participating in extracurricular activities. They hoped that by achieving high scores in their exams they could enroll in the most celebrated universities of the country which almost entirely admit students on their examination results and where education primarily consists of passive intake of knowledge on the part of the students. It is singularly unfortunate that individual initiative is thus discouraged and suffocated. Contrary to my fellow students, I chose a different approach to my education. While doing a good job on my studies through effective learning strategies, I did not allow myself to be a mere bookworm. Instead, I assumed a large number of extracurricular responsibilities.
I sacrificed my weekends helping six junior middle school students with their mathematics lessons. I investigated the consumer credit of Beijing residents and, based on my research findings, I submitted an article Calling for Consumer Credit to Beijing Evening Post. As a student correspondent, I traveled with our school principal and other students to a remote mountain village outside Beijing to donate books, computers and stationery to local elementary schools. I launched an English publication in my grade, which considerably enhanced the students’ initiative to learn English. For three consecutive years, I was the class president of my class and the chairperson of the student union, and organized a series of important campus events. Through those activities, I improved my organizational, planning, and interpersonal communication skills. I was the vice leader and lead singer of student chorus, winning prizes at various competitions and adding credit to our school. I served as a volunteer for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and in July and August of 20XX the “Rainbow” volunteer for the 21st Universiade in Beijing. In performing those responsibilities, I endeavored to develop qualities indispensible to a future leader.
Upon my graduation, I relinquished my admission into a leading Chinese university and once again took the path “less traveled by”—seeking education in North America—in an effort to develop an earlier international perspective than most of my Chinese peers. My foresight shows that within two decades China will be much more closely integrated with the rest of the world and the earlier I develop this international perspective, the better I can interact with the international community. This international perspective will become a major asset in my professional and personal development in the future.
I believe that education is about developing enlightened, informed, and pioneering citizens who can contribute importantly to the civic life of our society. To become such citizens, we must have the courage to explore the less traveled trails and those who persist will be the trailblazers and leaders of our society.
作为一个transfer student,我选择前往斯坦福大学求学,在很大程度上就是受到了罗伯特·弗罗斯特这首诗的启迪与激励。虽然经过一年之后,我已经熟悉和习惯了加拿大Columbia College的教育,扩展了我在中国高中所受到的教育,让我领略到了北美教育的魅力,增加了我自身的国际体验。但是,相当令人遗憾甚至令人失望的是,我注意到哥伦比亚学院所开设的课程范围相当狭窄,根本不足以使我形成一个广阔的视野。老师们的授课不能说不兢兢业业,但所教的内容太过基础,无法达到相当的深度。最后,尽管加拿大是最重要的西方发达国家之一,但放眼望去,只有美国才是国际社会的中心,因而我想要拥有国际视野的决心,只有在美国才能获得最充分的实现。作为一个东方人,在我人生成长可塑性最强的阶段,培养和发展国际视野, 势必对我今后的人生历程产生深远的影响。
中国的教育很大程度上是应试教育。先前当我在国内读高中的时候,多数同学都两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书,从来不会积极地参加课外活动。 他们的理想是,拼命在考试中获得高分,进入中国最著名的大学,而这些大学在录取学生时,所看重的恰恰是学生的考分,并且,中国大学所采用的教育方式,几乎一律地是填鸭式教学,学生只能被动接受知识的传授。尤其不幸的是,个人的进取心和主动性都遭受打击,乃至被窒息殆尽。 与我这些同学不同的是,我在学习上采用了一种完全不同的方法。在运用积极有效的学习策略在学习上表现出色的同时,我并没有让自己成为一个纯粹的书虫;相反,我肩负起了繁重的课外职责。
在高中毕业之后,我放弃了国内顶尖大学的录取机会,再一次走了一条不常有人走的路,毅然前往北美寻找深造的机会,以便能够比我的中国同龄群体,更早地培养和发展国际视野。我对未来的展望是,在未来的二十年内,中国必然会与世界其他各国联系更为紧密, 我越早培养这种国际视野,那么我就将更好地与国际社会进行互动和交流。这种国际视野将会是我未来职业发展与个人发展中的一笔宝贵资产。
我坚信,所谓教育,就是培养那种能够对公民社会做出重大贡献的公民,他们熊开阔,见多识广,具有首创精神。为成为这样的公民,我们必须鼓起勇气,去探索那些人迹稀少的路途。凡是能够坚持不懈的人,必将成为我们社会的先驱者和领导者。 |
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