


                                          Tradition and Modernization


Nowadays, if you intend to purchase a house, the most expensive housing in Beijing is not a country villa but a quadrangle, a form of traditional architecture. This unmistakably indicates that the most valuable thing in the most modern metropolis of China is nothing but tradition.

Although things shouldn’t always be measured in terms of commercial values, commercial pricing in a mature market can often be an accurate index of the intrinsic values of the things that surround us. In the light of this principle, we can uncover many complicated but interesting relationships between tradition and modernization.

The National Grand Theatre and the National Olympic Stadium are definitely among the largest investment projects in China in recent years. Designed by international architects, they present architectural styles that are simply modern and even futuristic. But it would be a grave mistake to assume they are simply for the sake of being modernistic. Inside the pearl-shaped structure, the National Grand Theatre accommodates a musical hall, an opera house, and a theatre where only classical performing arts are to be staged. One can never expect a rock’n’roll concert there.

The same applies to the National Olympic Stadium. Nicknamed Bird’s Nest, the Stadium is the venue for the largest international event in human history—the 2008 Beijing Olympiad. Yet, Olympiad itself is an ancient Greek term and the Bird’s Nest, with all its cutting-edge facilities, has only functioned to keep alive an ancient athletic tradition.

Tradition and modernization are two sides of the same coin. The colossal investments in the construction of the National Grand Theatre and the National Olympic Stadium testify to the efforts of modern people to preserve tradition by sparing no expenses. The buildings’ modern forms just serve to answer to man’s desperate inner need to remain connected with the past.









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