


                                          Tradition and Modernization


The Mid-Autumn Festival became a public holiday only in recent years, amid the increased modernization drive of China. If one attributes the establishment of this holiday simply to Chinese people’s collective nostalgic impulse, it would be a serious misconception. Its creation produces important implications that shed light on what is going on in our modernization process.

Modernization has long been coveted as a revolutionary process that promises people a brand-new world and brand-new lifestyles. However, this reckless drive for the new has plunged people into an unprecedented state of rootlessness. In the high-rise modern buildings, our neighbors are virtual strangers with whom we only maintain a nodding acquaintance. Totally engrossed in pursuing our own personal successes in big cities, we seldom have time to be with our families. Intoxicated with the virtual reality on the Internet, many people experience serious barriers in real-world interpersonal communication. While we may pride ourselves on the physical achievements of modernization, we find ourselves trapped in growing loneliness and alienation.

Since ancient times, Chinese people have found comfort in lifestyles emphasizing simplicity and harmony. Close touch among family members and congenial affinity with nature offered them perfect bliss even without the material satisfactions of modern people. Hence, traditional values can be a salvation of the increasingly desiccated soul of modern people. In our hustle-bustle of modern urban life, we need to halt for a moment, to have family reunions, to contemplate on the bright full moon in the starry night sky, and to enjoy the human warmth of our friends and colleagues.

Modernization has not been all positive. The evils (maladies) it has created need to be addressed and frequently the solutions are to be sought from the past. In this sense, the preservation and transmission of tradition is not something sentimental, but a pressing necessity.








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