


              Naming University Buildings with Commercial Brands

Recently, a teaching building in Tsinghua University was named as “Jeanswest Building”, “Jeanswest” being the name of a leading casual wear brand. In the wake of the event, a huge uproar was triggered nationwide. People in and outside Tsinghua University expressed their outrage, denouncing its authorities for allowing the university to be contaminated by commercialism.

To a large extent, such indignation is justified. Almost all Chinese universities are established and financially supported by the government. As public institutions, they are expected to concentrate solely on educating upright students and performing independent research. Commercialism has been carefully warded off so that neither universities nor their students would become money-oriented. Therefore, many fear that, if commercial encroachment is allowed to happen to a top university like Tsinghua University, rampant commercialism would extend to all universities across China.

However, no specific laws or regulations prohibit individuals or corporate organizations from making donations and having their names inscribed on certain facilities. In fact, some universities have already done so. Investigations show that, in Tsinghua University itself, there have been three precedents—three buildings in the School of Journalism, the Medical School and the School of Electronics have been respectively named after their donators. In the United States, this is a common practice and perhaps we have not yet grown accustomed to it.

A key factor in this controversy involves the need to scrutinize the motivation behind each donation. On one hand, we shouldn’t dampen the enthusiasm of individuals and corporate organizations to perform their social responsibility by making generous donations. On the other hand, we shouldn’t indiscriminately accept donations that carry explicit commercial intentions. Additionally, the management of the collected funds should be transparent, ensuring that the funds are exclusively used for educational purposes. In this way, donations are bound to produce positive outcomes.









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