For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln's famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
The Way to Success
There are many ways that lead to success, such as an intelligent mind, a strong will or a passionate heart. For Abraham Lincoln, his way of success is to make full preparations. He would spend 2/3 of his time “sharpening his axe”, which is truly phenomenal.
Lincoln's famous remark embodies great wisdom, carrying at least two important implications. Success never comes to us accidentally, but as a result of continuous and patient planning and preparing. Having defined our goal, we must have a clear idea about the means to attain the goal. Without sufficient preparations, many of our efforts would be random and we would most probably end up in failure.
Another crucial implication is that, in order to succeed, we must keep “sharpening our axe”. Ours is a technology-dominated world and our social progress is inextricably connected with technological advances. It is perhaps because of Lincoln’s wisdom that the United States lays special emphasis on developing technologies and has become the world’s most technologically developed country.
Keeping Lincoln’s wisdom in mind, we should be well prepared in everything we do. Moreover, we should never stop where we are and keep searching for more effective means to reach our objectives. |
林肯的至理名言包含着大智慧,我们至少可以从中引申出两大深深邃的含义。成功绝不会偶然发生,而只能源自持久而又耐心的规划与准备。因此,我们在界定了我们的目标之后,对于如何去采取具体的手段来达致我们的目标, 应该形成一个清晰的理念。没有充分的准备,我们的诸多努力就会显得任意和随机,而我们也极有可能以失败而告终。