案例I—Miss Ye's Application


2.Letter of Appeal


案例II—Mr.Ni's Application


2.Study Plan (英国)

3.Explanatory Letter

案例Ⅲ—Mr.Li's Application

Study Plan (英国)

案例Ⅳ—Mr.Ru's Application

1.Study Plan (加拿大)

2.Reference Letter

案例Ⅴ—Mr.Wang's Application

Study Plan (加拿大)

案例Ⅵ—Mr.Hu's Application

Letter of Appeal

案例Ⅶ—Mr.Deng's Application

1.Explanatory Letter

2.Study Plan

3.Father's Letter

案例Ⅷ—Ms.Yan's Application

Asking for Unconditional Offer

案例IX—Ms. Wan's Application

Letter of Appeal


Study Plan
(Submitted for Visa Application)

Having received an offer of acceptance into Warwick University to study e-commerce management at the School of Engineering, I deem it appropriate to present this Study Plan under the hope that my prospective study will be conducted in a well-planned manner, and that this well-planner manner in return will ensure my academic success.

1.Why go to the UK to pursue education in the University of Warwick and in its e-business management program?

Most of Chinese undergraduates seem to realize that their undergraduate program alone does not suffice to ensure a successful career. That is why more than a million undergraduates would proceed onto education at the graduate level every year. For them, graduate education is available either in China or in foreign countries. As for me, even though I have received four-year systematic education in one of China’s leading universities, the knowledge I have acquired is still insufficient to make me a successful businessman. Nevertheless, such an education has laid a solid foundation for more advanced studies. The reason why I would like to seek more advanced education in the UK is simply that I want a change. I have experienced Chinese education and I would like to experience the British education, a totally different system of education. In this way, I educational background will be characterized by a perfect combination of Chinese and western education. I will develop a more balanced way of looking at things and making decisions.

This notion of mine has received full support from my father, who will sponsor my education in the UK. He also believes that going to the UK will broaden my vision, improve my ability to act independently, and to acquire international experiences. The advanced educational system in the UK and the excellent academic environment will allow me to get prepared for a challenging career and life in the future.

My fascination with the UK occurred at the same time as I started to learn English. Now, on the verge of completing my undergraduate program, I have been lucky enough to be admitted by the University of Warwick, which is among the top 10 universities in the UK. I choose Warwick Graduate School because it is one of the first in the UK, with a culture of excellence in research and teaching, a dynamic and international postgraduate community. It is a research-intensive institution that is committed to promoting the dynamic link between its teaching and research. The University has all the knowledge I wish to be exposed to and its beautiful campus, excellent academic climate and advanced facilities will all contribute to my successful completion of my program. The business management program at Warwick is internationally renowned and the e-commerce management is placed under the School of Engineering. This unique combination of technology and management is obviously geared to the practical needs and is what fascinates me most.

2. My overall educational objective

In my future study in the UK, I will make utmost efforts to successfully complete my program and obtain my Master’s degree. My educational objective consisting of learning advanced theories of e-commerce management and the practical skills of applying those theories. I will actively participate in group discussions, presentations, workshops, seminars and field trips. Case analysis will become an important way of improving my analytical and problem-solving skills. I would also interact with my classmates and instructors from whom I will have a lot to learn. Equally importantly, I will participate in extensive student activities on the campus to become an integral part of the student community and add to its diversity and vitality.

3.Why not pursue less expensive alternatives in China?

My past four-year education in China at Tongji University has allowed me to gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing conditions of Chinese education, particularly those of business management. Having weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of a Master’s program in China, I came to the conclusion that such a program might not be the best alternative for me. This is because the financial conditions of my family can afford me a much better education abroad, a Master’s program at a first-rate university in the UK. Only through obtaining education in the UK which boasts of the best educational system in the world will it be possible for me to achieve substantial improvements in my academic aptitudes.

In terms of Business Management in which I am intensely interested, too many universities in China are offering graduate education but few of them demonstrate real maturity, the discipline being introduced into China for only less than a decade. By contrast, management science in the west is fully developed and all the textbooks I have been using are all translations for western classics. This shows me that the best way to learn the essence of the management science is to go to the place where it was originated, to learn it in its original context, from the people who truly understand the discipline.

4.What ties do I have to China that would lead me to return to China after completing my course of study?

Born and bred in China, I have deep feelings for my own country and this emotional attachment is the most important factor that will bring me back to China. Moreover, with China’s rapid economic growth, its accession into the WTO, its increasing integration with the rest of the world, and especially China’s hosting of the 2008 Olympics Game, China will become full of business opportunities. My knowledge of China and my international experience will give me unique advantages to achieve business successes. Most importantly, my father now operates a booming corporation at my hometown. It is a private enterprise which needs able-bodied, trustworthy, talented people to contribute to its expansion. To assist my father in his business development is the most important underlying reason for going to study in the UK.

To sum up, I am well-motivated and well-prepared for a rewarding graduate education in the UK. As a matter of fact, the UK has made it a policy of attracting Chinese students to study there and I find this policy very encouraging. I hope to benefit from the academic exchange between China and the UK and to seek important career development. I believe this is what education is all about.



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