案例I—Miss Ye's Application


2.Letter of Appeal


案例II—Mr.Ni's Application


2.Study Plan (英国)

3.Explanatory Letter

案例Ⅲ—Mr.Li's Application

Study Plan (英国)

案例Ⅳ—Mr.Ru's Application

1.Study Plan (加拿大)

2.Reference Letter

案例Ⅴ—Mr.Wang's Application

Study Plan (加拿大)

案例Ⅵ—Mr.Hu's Application

Letter of Appeal

案例Ⅶ—Mr.Deng's Application

1.Explanatory Letter

2.Study Plan

3.Father's Letter

案例Ⅷ—Ms.Yan's Application

Asking for Unconditional Offer

案例IX—Ms. Wan's Application

Letter of Appeal


Explanatory Letter

Dear Visa Officer,

My name is x x x, a student from the Department of Economics and Management Science, GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, CHINA. My major is Information Management and Information System. I have applied to your esteemed university London School of Economics and Political Science and I have received your conditional offer. According to your requirements, it is necessary for me to meet three conditions in order to be granted the unconditional offer. For the first condition that I provide office proof of my degree, I can report is that in this June I have completed my undergraduate programme and have been conferred the Bachelor’s degree in Management. For the second condition, I have passed the British Council’s Test of English (IELTS), the score being 6.5. The official transcript of the IELTS score has been forwarded to you through the British Consulate.

However, as to your third requirement that I am required to obtain my degree with a minimum overall mark of 90%, I must make an important explanation to you. I hope you can give serious consideration to my explanation so that the unconditional offer is granted as I expect.

Now that I have completed my programme, my academic transcript is now available. My academic transcript indicates that my overall average mark has reached 85 on a 100-point grading system, the GPA being 3.5. In terms of overall mark, it seems that I have not adequately met your requirement. This is because in our university students are required to attend some non-essential courses tinted with Marxist ideology, in which students invariably do a relatively poor job as they find them dull and irrelevant. Nevertheless, I would like to call your attention to my academic performance in all the specialty courses – I achieved an overall mark of 93%, the GPA being 4.3, a result which has more than sufficiently satisfied your requirement.

Apart from the academic transcript that can testify to my excellent academic performance in my specialty, I would like to call your further attention to two other important aspects of my academic performance. The first is my thesis entitled A USEFUL TOOL OF HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT — THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOSPITAL
INFORMATION SYSTEM. The thesis examines the past, the present, and the future tendencies of the hospital information system and proposes specific and detailed procedures and plans for the construction of the information systems in Chinese hospitals. I must point out in particular that my thesis was not only given the score of 96%, the highest score in my specialty in the entire grade, but was also awarded the “Innovativeness Prize of Graduation Thesis of the University” (Certificate available upon request).

With my outstanding overall academic performance, I have been honored as among the Top 10 Most Outstanding Graduates of the Year of our Department. This is an honor issued to only top 5th students, consideration the fact there are more than 200 students in all in our Department, which is also the largest and the strongest department in the entire university.

To be a student of LSE has been my long-cherished aspiration and the ADMIS (Analysis, Design, Management of Information System) Programme is the most fascinating subject for me. I sincerely hope that you can give special consideration of my case and issue me the UNCONDITIONAL OFFER that may allow me to fulfill my aspiration.

Yours sincerely
x x x



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